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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. tallguy64

    Some of Mike's Tank Pics from the beginning (Dial Up Painful)

    I love the battery back up, though personally I don’t know it I would leave the batteries on the carpet? But ye I think once I finally get my tank up and running I think I will pick up one of those battery back up units that are used for computers. If you don’t mind my asking how much did that...
  2. tallguy64

    my heater broke

    Ok maybe not one of thoose particualr ones =P but you get the idea metal good, glass bad =)
  3. tallguy64

    my heater broke

    I dont know how many watts you need but i would recomend looking at the stainless steel rod heaters. Some thing like this I know i will be getting one after hearing about yours, i have always been afraid of that with my freshwater tank...
  4. tallguy64

    1000 Gallon

    im sorry to hear that they are that bad. it isnt that hard to ship something i know i do it for a retail store.... keep us posted
  5. tallguy64

    1000 Gallon

    If you need the hands id be more then willing to help. just let me know when and where and ill be there..... wow i think i just rymed.....
  6. tallguy64

    Digital 24h timer

    Hey all im looking for a elctroninc "kit" that is a 24hr timer with the ability to turn on then back off. What i am looking at doing is makeing an elctronic control box for my lights pumps and what not...just trying to make it all into one nice neat box... i hate lose cords. and since i have two...
  7. tallguy64

    1000 Gallon

    I totaly agree Just wait for it to finaly show up refuse to sign for it and send it back very politlely requesting my money back, but then again im spittful. But ye serisouly any new =) corss my fingers its good news
  8. tallguy64

    1000 Gallon

    Lol jan is soo right about 80% of canadians AND americans And all other races, religons... blah blah blah... are morons... Just work in customer service and you will realize it really quick... What ever happend to natural selection =)
  9. tallguy64

    1000 Gallon

    Wow that sucks. hope you got something in writeing in the way of a warrenty. Im sorry but im in customer service. When they are willing to pay big bucks and half of that amount up front.... ye i would be bending over backwards to make sure that i am fully honest with them, if i didnt get it...
  10. tallguy64

    where to get Weldon

    Ewww seattle... or bellevue....ewwww :p ill stick with Mclendons :lol:
  11. tallguy64

    where to get Weldon

    right on, thnx roscoe now i jsut have to wait for them to open... sad day. Where is tap plastics? i guess i could look while im waiting for them to open :D
  12. tallguy64

    where to get Weldon

    Hey all, Makeing a over flow for my new tank and i was wondering where i could get some acrylic cement? in the puyallup area or so?
  13. tallguy64

    Live sand filter

    Not unless it can make its way though about 3 1/2 to 4 inches of sand. The principle of a jaburt system is to have three layers. From the bottom up, first being 1 inch of open dead water, two inches of anaerobic sand followed by 2 inches of aerobic sand. What this does is turns protein in to...
  14. tallguy64

    DIY Chiller?

    Ye i have seen that type... just wondering if anyone has built one based on a AC design. The comprission and rapid expansion of a liquid createing a cooling effect. want to apply that to a sealed system that could be used the cool my tank
  15. tallguy64

    1000 Gallon

    Lol brett all i can say is... Just keep swiming... just keep swiming... just keep swimming swimming swimming ;):rolleyes: lol
  16. tallguy64

    DIY Chiller?

    Hey all before I post this I obviously want to make it myself, but my question is has anyone ever seen any plans for a close (completely sealed) mist cooler? In a few months I am going to be moving to Pullman to finish up college at WSU. And I know it get hot over there during the summer...
  17. tallguy64

    Live sand filter

    Yup, going to put some live rock in there... a little cave setup on the right side with a wall on the left side of the tank, kind of like the edge of a reef, have a nice little sketch if my scanner wasn’t a piece of junk I would scan it in =) As for life in the tank... going to build up slow...
  18. tallguy64

    Live sand filter

    haha i guess so
  19. tallguy64

    Live sand filter

    right on ye i went in there (home depot) and they are like What?! Egg crate.. im like ye... got feed up after the guy told me that i would find it in a fabric stor e or some thing like that and just walked off.... about 5 min later i found it. Ran into the same guy again and was like OHHH that...
  20. tallguy64

    Live sand filter

    Hey all so after all me researching and what not, i am actualy gona start pieceing together my tank, So i picked up a very nice 47gallon acrylic tank, a few minor scratches that i can buff out. So i want to do a live sand/jaubert as my primary filter since i going for a more open look. So i need...