1000 Gallon

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Brain, thanks for the offer with helping. The more the man power the better. Glad to see your back in the reef tanks. Sorry to hear you lost some stuff.

OK. Here's where I am at:

The builder delayed shipping another week. He said for as big as this tank is, he'd like to see the silicone cure longer.

He also said, "your probably the only guy your age with a tank this large, so another weeks not gonna kill ya!" While I have no idea what relevance that had, I'm in no place to argue as I've already paid the man.

This is a blessing in disguise. Take this extra time and do more planning. Heck, if you have the time, cut a hole in that wall. :D:D


This is a blessing in disguise. Take this extra time and do more planning. Heck, if you have the time, cut a hole in that wall. :D:D


I think the hole in the walls scrapped. We have a pretty traditional house hold where the wife stays in the kitchen.:lol: I'm very rarely in there, other than to smack her around or grab a beer. (kidding again) The kitchen is where the hole would be. I wouldn't really be able to enjoy it, and neither would be as the stove is against the other wall.

No way will the tank be any bit viewable from the living room. Kinda alot of work to make it viewable from a point where you will very rarely be. I tend to spend alot of time in the garage.
yeah Ive spent 7k and Im ready to pull the plug on the deal. Either that or have a glass pond and use the stand as a dog run.

Lol brett all i can say is... Just keep swiming... just keep swiming... just keep swimming swimming swimming ;):rolleyes: lol
well, the guy is supposed to ship the tank tomorrow....... So I'll post an update then. I will either be gathering a group for lifting the tank, or a lynch mob.
We have a pretty traditional house hold where the wife stays in the kitchen.:lol: I'm very rarely in there, other than to smack her around or grab a beer. (kidding again)

I tend to spend alot of time in the garage.

might I suggest that in addition to the tank in the garage, you also need a 'fridge full of beer?
We have a pretty traditional house hold where the wife stays in the kitchen. I'm very rarely in there, other than to smack her around or grab a beer. (kidding again)

I tend to spend alot of time in the garage.

So to paraphrase for the single men out there, your wife rules the nest.
Bow Valley Aquariums


I had paid a $3000 deposit on Feb 11th to start the build for this tank

I was contacted my Mitch at Bow valley Thursday March 20th and told that I needed to pay the other $1500 because the tank would be shipped the following day.

The tank was supposed to be shipped Friday March 21st. It didn't

I was told by Mitch that it would be shipped Monday March 24th.

I called Tuesday to request a shipping number and was told that he felt it was best the tank rest another week to allow for the silicone to completely cure, and that it would ship March 29th.

It didn't

I called Monday March 31st and was told the tank would ship that evening at 5pm and he would immediately call with a tracking number. I never heard from him.

I called Tuesday and was told that Mitch was out sick. I demanded and was given his home telephone number. I spoke with him and he said the tank would ship Wednesday April 2nd at "noon sharp"

I called Wednesday and he was angry and said that the tank would be shipping at 5pm that night. I asked why he said the day before that this tank would ship at "noon sharp" and he denied ever saying it.

I called Wednesday evening at 5:15, no answer.

I called the morning of Thursday April 3rd. As soon as he answered the phone he immediately said "the tank didn't ship, it will ship today." I asked why it hadn't shipped yet and he said "we've go over this 100 times and we heard the phone ring here 50 times last night, its obvious you've reached a state of hysteria, the tank will ship today!!!" CLICK, he hung up on me.

Keep in mind that up until this point I have not once even taken a harsh tone with any employee at BOW VALLEY or been anything but nice. Partially for fear my tank would arrive in pieces if I pissed them off.

I immediately called back after being hung up on. I said, "don't you dare hang up on me again Mitch" "Why has my tank yet to be shipped?" He replied with, "All you ****ing Americans are the same, you order your goddamn tanks and call and pester us and become so obsessed that it becomes the center of your universe."

I told him he was a liar and that I felt that each time he said he was going to ship the tank was a lie. He said "what am I supposed to do?" "If I tell you the truth you'd just get pissed and bitch!!"

I asked when he was shipping the tank and he said noon sharp. I told him that I didn't believe him and I wanted a definite answer.

He replied with "you know, I have a custom car, and when I take it in for service I know its going to take time. If they ask for a few extra days to get things done I understand. I don't fly off the ****ing handle like all you goddamn Americans. You order these big tanks and expect them done immediately" I said, I didn't expect it done immediately, I expected only honesty especially with the amount of money I had already paid him. I asked him why he didn't give me a realistic completion date in the first place and he said because then I would have freaked out and so he HAD to lie.

He said again how Americans get obsessed and I said, "You know what Mitch? I am so NOT obsessed with this tank that I have already spoken with my bank about getting my money back. Tell me when you are shipping it, and I want a real answer because if it doesn't go out on that day you might as well keep it. I WILL file a dispute and get my money back!"

He then stated the tank will ship Monday April 7th. Funny how earlier in the conversation he said it would be shipping that day.

I said OK, "Monday it is, and if doesn't go out Monday, keep the tank" He replied with "If I don't ship it out Monday, I send you the tank and you can have it for free so I don't have to ****ing deal with you!" and then he hung up.
Wow what a nightmare this has been for ya Brett! That is what Canadians call customer care Aye. I'm having second thoughts about going throuh him for a custom tank! If I do I'll go to Sharks Reef and order it through them so that way my money stays local. Good luck with the rest of this nightmare! Look on the brighter side if you don't get this tank you can take the time to plan every detail of your future tank. take care dog!
Wow! I would be upset as well!:mad: If I spent that much money I would be worried too. Does he understand the concept of keeping his word? That is some of the worst customer service ever...

I hope the tank is built better than the customer service you received. God forbid if anything goes wrong with the tank. It does not sound like he stands behind his product. I have no idea what you paid for it, but I'm know for a fact you would get better customer service, someone who stands behind their product, and a quality built tank from either Jason @CFI or James at Envision Acrylics in Orgeon.

When you have this big of a tank built and the amount of money you are investing you should NOT have to put up with this type of behavior. Period. You deserve better.!!!

My .02

I hope the tank is built better than the customer service you received. God forbid if anything goes wrong with the tank. It does not sound like he stands behind his product. I have no idea what you paid for it, but I'm know for a fact you would get better customer service, someone who stands behind their product, and a quality built tank from either Jason @CFI or James at Envision Acrylics in Orgeon.

When you have this big of a tank built and the amount of money you are investing you should NOT have to put up with this type of behavior. Period. You deserve better.!!!

My .02

True that, but I think Brett wanted a glass tank.
Understand, but my point being here is there are alot of quality dealers out there that have a better reputation and offer way better customer service than Bow Aquariums. Brett needs to find one. :)

If it were me, I would dispute the charge, file a complaint to the BBB.org (or what ever the equivalent agency is in Canada), get my money back and look elsewhere. I see nothing but trouble down the road if something else wrong happens with the tank.

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I went through a similar issue with glasscages recently. Not to this extent but they gave me a false shipping number the first time and when I called back they were like oops. In the end it worked out and I'm happy with the setup (minus the crackhead glue sniffing silicone job). These tanks are beasts and do take alot of time. The last thing any of us want is a large tank leaking. These tank builders for custom glass tanks are few and far between so they kind of have us by the balls and they know this. Hang in there.
Wow that sucks. hope you got something in writeing in the way of a warrenty. Im sorry but im in customer service. When they are willing to pay big bucks and half of that amount up front.... ye i would be bending over backwards to make sure that i am fully honest with them, if i didnt get it shipped i would be calling appoligizeing. but then again maybe thats just me. Hell what ever happend with over estimateing time and sending it sooner then thought?

Oh wait.... Stupid canadians lol... well some... but then again there are a lot of stupid americans.... ok just ignore me, gonna shut up now :p