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  1. travis_

    Is it possible to go skimmer less in a large system?

    I have 200 gallons total with 2 refugiums and very little skimming. In fact I do not get much skimmate regardless. I will probably just disconnect it as I believe that a good refugium with a good DSB does all you need. I also perform very little mechanical filtration as I feel you end up...
  2. travis_

    What are these...possible pest?

    flatworms I think, I have them too
  3. travis_

    what fish should I get for my 100 gallon?

    I don't get it??
  4. travis_

    what fish should I get for my 100 gallon?

    Here is the only pic I was able to get, what kind of angle did I get? THe pic does not show it, but it has a yellow stipe down the back side.
  5. travis_

    adding a fuge

    If you are ever north in Bellingham come by and I can give you a bunch of macro algae to get your fuge going. Plus I have pretty good deals on live sand loaded with life, worms, mysis shrimp, etc. to seed you DSB in your fuge. Plus you can check out my system. It is a little unique to say the least.
  6. travis_

    adding a fuge

    I don't know if this will help, but what I did is connect my 25 gallon fuge to my 30 gallon sump via a HUGE homemade U-tube and it is wisper quiet and failproof. I used 2" PVC, one leg into the sump, up to a 90 degree fitting, over to the fuge (which in this case is like 4') and then connected...
  7. travis_

    Wierd question about sand?

    what do you mean 'in your DT's"? If you want some live sand, I have a bunch of really healthy stuff loaded with life:
  8. travis_

    what fish should I get for my 100 gallon?

    yes, my large angle (he came with the tank, yellow and blue) does appear to be a problem already. I caught him nipping at a few of my LPS and had to move them to another tank. He is only like 6" long so maybe not truly a "large" angle. Thank you for your input, I am happy with the fish I have...
  9. travis_

    what fish should I get for my 100 gallon?

    what fish should I get for my 100 gallon? All I have is as follows: 2 clowns 1 wrasse (lunare?) 1 coral beauty 1 flame angle 1 larger angle (not sure what kind) 1 spotted mandrin My total volume is 200 gallons, all I have in my other tanks is a Watchman Goby and Engineer Goby. We are looking...
  10. travis_

    Live Rock made from concrete moulds?

    I was checking out this website showing how the tiniest of detail can be captured using latex moulds and concrete. I would think this same process could work for live rock, get some interesting shaped real pieces and make moulds...
  11. travis_

    what are these zoos called?

    The silver centered ones and the green ones And the yellow ones
  12. travis_

    Zoo frag "plugs"

    I like my frags on bits of rock or shells. They look more natural
  13. travis_

    Baby Shrimp

    so my question now, where did the mysis shrimp eggs come from? I feed frozen mysis sometimes, is it possilbe that these had eggs?
  14. travis_

    Baby Shrimp

    I picked up some frags and it was brought up that these could be Mysis shrimp? And they look pretty similar :( Oh well, if anyone wants I will still sell them to them
  15. travis_

    Baby Shrimp

    oh yeah, I meant to comment that these guys are nowhere near adulthood, they are still babies. I was just joking about selling them already :)
  16. travis_

    Baby Shrimp

    I have anenome shrimp and peppermint shrimp in pairs. I actually have not seen the anenome shrimp since I released them in my tank, but these babies look very similar so they must be doing well somewhere. I didn't do anything to "get" them to breed, and as for feeding the babies i must have...
  17. travis_

    Baby Shrimp

    It looks like I am the only one excited, but my shrimp are still growing and doing great. They are eating brine shrimp already. I have about 24 at least. Anyone want to buy one? It is still very hard to get a pic!
  18. travis_

    Can I use sand and water from one tank...

    I had live rock and sand in a tub without circulation and even loss heat once (the light switch turned off) and got down to 50 F, but when I returned circulation and heat, changed out some of the water everything was fine. I did a lot of smelling of the rocks and water and nothing but the smell...
  19. travis_

    Is 1000 watts of light for 100 gallon too much?

    thank you both, this is very informative. For the reocrd, the lights I am using are meant for hydroponics and are rather industrial. When I compare the output (mainly in the form of heat) it is roughtly the same as other 250 watts I have put my hand other. Obviously not an accurate measurement...
  20. travis_

    Is 1000 watts of light for 100 gallon too much?

    Yeah, I think you should try it. Let me know how it works out for you