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  1. Milez803

    zoa id plz

    thanks.. was trying to see if i can trade for some other type of zoa
  2. Milez803

    zoa id plz

    can some people help me ID some of my zoa, got 1 polyp of each and pretty much they started to bloom.. sorry for the bad photo..i have a really crappy camera and thank you milez
  3. Milez803

    need assistant with Carbonate hardness

    i actually bought my water to LFS to test it and they said the same thing..low carbonate hardness, but PO4 was a tad bit..... but beside that.. everything seem fine.. that the reason why i stop using the free reef crystal salt and bought some red sea..
  4. Milez803

    need assistant with Carbonate hardness

    and actually the salt my buddy gave me..smell kind of funny that why i stop using it..
  5. Milez803

    need assistant with Carbonate hardness

    i use the api carbonate hardness test kit.. and it was at 3.dkh..which was very low.. i duno... most of my sps coral have white spot everywhere...
  6. Milez803

    need assistant with Carbonate hardness

    i'm gonna try to change another 15 gallon of water today..hoping it would fix the problem..but from what i hasn't help much..for the past 3 weeks
  7. Milez803

    need assistant with Carbonate hardness

    ever since i switch salt, reef crystal... my tank has slowly crashing.. i notice some coral have white spot on them and issue slowly dying.. i thought it might be a bad batch of i bought red sea brand.. i tested my water everything seem fine except for the carbonate hardness is at 3-4...
  8. Milez803

    zoo and clown fish question

    hehe.. no picture yet..but i move the zoa and place the xenia there.. printer ran out of color ink.. let hope that works.. i just got some new zoa and i don't want them to kill it..
  9. Milez803

    zoo and clown fish question

    I just recently pick up a pair of clown fish from my buddy, i duno what wrong with them..i have 2 large colony of xenia and they don't seem to like to play with them..instead they are rubbing up against my large colony of zoo. Is it consider harmful to the zoo having these clown fish rubbing up...
  10. Milez803

    Algal Turf Scrubber question

    i plan to keep my skimmer and phos reactor..i just wanna add a turf algae to help control hair algae in the display tank.i have a extra frag tank on the side that will be used to build one.. ..i'll try it out if it doesn't work i guess break down frag tank and make it into a pipe fish tank..hehe...
  11. Milez803

    Algal Turf Scrubber question

    I'm thinking about setting up a Algal turf scrubber in my tank, but i was wondering does does macro algae , like Caulerpa and Chaetomorpha.. are similar to hairy algae.. and do they consume the same nitrate and phospate? hairy algae seem to grow alot faster then caulerpa and chaetomorpha, if i...
  12. Milez803

    help feeding fish with strong flow in tank

    anyone got any tips to feed my flow is too strong in the tank where alot of the food would just go straight down my overflow.. which is in the center of the tank.... thanks milez
  13. Milez803

    help with Anthias

    i feed my anthias with flake and rotate with some mysis shrimp once in awhile, the dispar seem to eat everything, but the squarespot haven't show any sign of eatting yet... and still tend to hide when he see me enter the room..
  14. Milez803

    help with Anthias

    currently i bought a bicolor anthias, i think its a male, and bought another male anthias. (squarespot) wonder would it be a problem in a tank that is 100 gallon tank..i been reading alot about anthias and notice that they are very aggressive toward other male.. at this moment the squarespot...
  15. Milez803

    the true joker zoa

    i bought 2 different type of joker looks more like paly..but both of my zoa don't look like those..i'll try to get a photo asap when i can...
  16. Milez803

    Help with Zoos

    nope..nothing close where it can be sting..and its under 400 watts halide light..but i put it in a shade area in the bottom...i do see some what of a dust on it..beside that..its just doesn't open..
  17. Milez803

    Help with Zoos

    i just purchase some zoos from a fellow reefer, i bought 7 polyp of Joker from him and 4 polyp of Tub blues.. my tub blues open up fine, but the Joker haven't open since Saturday, ..2 polyp from the Joker attempt to open, but doesn't fully open up..the other just stay close. he told me that his...
  18. Milez803

    sps coral question

    okay..i'll new bulb on the upcoming convention..but as of right now i'm using 20k bulbs..and i hope it doesn't over kill my coral..i see alot of growth rate..but coloration fade alot..especially once my new ro/di system get here..i plan to do 10 gallon water change every week..hoping to be able...
  19. Milez803

    sps coral question

    I just wondering if too much light might effect the color of the sps coral..i have a montipora cap..thas suppose to be red..but its turning pink..the growth rate at this moment is really good..but the color and polyp is turning so light.. i have 2x400 watts over my 20 inch height tank.. and the...
  20. Milez803

    another newbie light question

    i'm currently running 400watts..and my tank is 22inch depth, and the light is about 2 feet off the surface of water..would it be fine..if i leave my sps coral on the sand bed? because after moving it down their..the sps polyp extend..alot bigger.... just wondering if its is safe....thanks again...