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  1. balogh03

    Moving Zoo

    I would try posting a pic...Because if it is an anemone like Sid said, you are going to want to get rid of it while you still can. Good luck :D -augustus
  2. balogh03

    disappearing fish

    Besides that it sounds like you have too large of fish for a 60gal, I would first go to the live rock that you got. From what it sounds like, you have a predator that is eating them. How many pounds of rock do you have and where did it come from..."dead" or "live"? Also, just to be sure it is...
  3. balogh03

    Niger Trigger in reef

    Very understandable... Thank you, -augustus
  4. balogh03

    Niger Trigger in reef

    That is exactly the point of it :). If he can handle that, he should be able to handle the reef right? Most people WILL add other inverts to a reef tank quit often, so this would give the same effect. Also, I am not saying to just throw in a shrimp and let it swim down, because I have tangs that...
  5. balogh03

    Niger Trigger in reef

    Very interesting...So intern would you only suggest Rhinecanthus, Sufflamen, and Xanthichthys Genus' in the captive world (wether it be reef or not) or none at all? This would be very helpful as I do love these fish and anything I can learn from would be great. Thanks, -augustus
  6. balogh03

    my tank

    And thank you :D I will have to post some updated pics here soon, as ALOT has changed since. Thanks again, -augustus
  7. balogh03

    my tank

    Good looking tank :). What size is it?? Thanks for showing, -augustus
  8. balogh03

    regal angel

    She posted links to back her up...Post #6. Check 'um out :) -augustus
  9. balogh03

    Niger Trigger in reef

    My suggestion would be to find one as small as possible, keep it in a QT tank and slowly introduce some reef inhabitants to see what his reaction is. This way, if does eat a shrimp or snail right when you put him in, you will know before he runs a muck in the big tank and you can't catch him. I...
  10. balogh03

    Possible New Treatment for Ich within a reef tank

    Have you ever thought of trying a trap?? I know that in my trials, it has always been very easy to not feed for a day and catch any of the more varacious eating fish (i.e. tangs, triggers, wrasse...). If you were in Washington, I would let you borrow mine to see if you could get it to work...
  11. balogh03

    DonW tank

    Looks like a great start Don :) Glad to see that you have another. Any chance that we will see any clams in this tank? Can't wait to see some more pics, and good luck. -augustus
  12. balogh03

    Watchman Goby running amuck

    That is how they survive :)...Might want to find a bigger tank for him if you are tired, especially since alot of their important nutrition comes from what they find in the sand. Good luck, -augustus
  13. balogh03

    What is wrong with me xenia

    What changed??? New fish, additive, WC... Hope we can help you out on this :) -augustus
  14. balogh03

    blue tang troubles

    ??? Could be HLLE, but it is hard to tell with that discription. Try posting a picture if you can, I think it will help us alot. Thanks, and good luck :) -augustus
  15. balogh03

    Purple Tang and Ich. What to do

    I must agree with everyone else on this, that the wrasse will not do anything to help your cause (learned from experience). I would do the same thing you are doing when I got into this hobby 5 years ago and it just turns into a big ball that you will regret later. Take advantage of all the help...
  16. balogh03

    Yellow Tangs with chewed fins

    How long have you had them??? -augustus
  17. balogh03

    600 Gallon Update

    Wow, atleast everything is staying nice and small for you :p Looks good man, can't wait for the full tank shot. Thanks, -augustus
  18. balogh03


    I have never had a problem with my tuxedo urchin and he has been in my care for about 5years. I know yours is a little different but there basic body form is pretty much the same unlike a long spine or a pencil. Hope it works out for you :) -augustus
  19. balogh03

    help my lionfish, he is not eating

    How about numbers for each of these, and state what kind of test kit. We need alot more info on your tank (i.e. filters, sump, skimmer...). I don't know what to do about the lion, but you also need to find out how to make sure this doesn't happen again to any of the others. Good luck, -augustus
  20. balogh03

    help my lionfish, he is not eating

    I can't personally help you on this subject, but I can provide some great readings to help you get on the right track. My new fish won't eat (for the rest of the fish) Immune Boosters Food Presentation Fish Stress-General Good luck with your fish :) -augustus