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  1. M

    phosphate issues

    krish i know that your reactor out of the sump i bought one and i want to put it inside the sump where is the return pump want to know if it will give different result. i put out of the sump the calc reactor and don't have space for the phosphate rector .
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    co2 regulator

    thank you for all the help. i bought the geo 6/12 calc reactor , interest to know what calc rector you use i think that the size of the reactor can take more co2 but if you have same size it will be good to know because i tight with space under my tank and i want to add there after this...
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    co2 regulator

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    co2 regulator

    how you close the connection on the needle valve ?
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    co2 regulator

    thank you for the replay. it's very interesting is the leak was from silcon line connection area ? i don't think that i need this bubble counter because it's already in the reactor i want it just because the solenoid (for sefty shut off) and it's big different between the prices. and the...
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    co2 regulator

    i want to know please any feedback on this co2 regulator: RF Deluxe CO2 Regulator with Solenoid : cost $144 JBJ CO2 Regulator with solenoiod + bubble counter: cost $71 thanks michael [/url][/IMG]
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    tank runing

    Hi Nikki my temperature stabile now at 78. about the alega here is close picture: [/URL][/IMG]
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    tank runing

    thanks Nikk how you dose calc and kalk to your tank i saw in the big forum diy calc reactor look great but i think to buy the geo 6/12 i don't sure yet the diy one look so nice maybe if i find the time i will make it. [/url][/IMG]
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    tank runing

    thanks all , this hobby strong then a voodoo:lol:
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    Purple Tang

    here is mine[/URL][/IMG]
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    Purple Tang

    by the time he will be the boss of the tank:D
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    tank runing

    hi nick thank's i take out this 2 ph (they not maxijet) they rated 540 gph each but the cause a lot oh heat . i add one more seio m2600 and i raise all the ph up to see if i got better circulation. i have some hair alega that shown on some rock maybe it's because i add some additive (kent a+b)...
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    after 5 hour i add the 2 fish to the QT , no light but there is a war inside between the fish the chasing each other :evil: hope they will relax . once i have a yellow tang and when i add a blond naso the yellow tang kill him with the tail after 2 hour :mad: tangs...
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    steve i never stop my QT i think that is the important things in all this hobby , and i never transfer fish before 4 weeks to the the way i hope the tang will not get velvet i don't like the cooper tratment i know that Cupramine by Seachem better but any way don't like it it's very hard...
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    i know that and the tang so sensitive specially the powder blue. i check the fish and they look clean before i bought them , from my experience always when i add new tang after 2 or 3 days i see the first white spot i hope they will not get velvet it will be harder to save him meantime i am...
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    i bought now 2 tang one : clown and powder blue i put them about one hour in the QT before i open the bag , when i open the bag i measure the salinity and i was shock 1.012 i was lucky i did not add water to the bag the fish could stress , now i am reduce the salinity in the tank at least to...
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    tank runing

    Hi Nikki here i copy the post from euro reef about the air flow meter: The airflow meter is different than the control valve. The meter lets you know how much air you are taking in and is great for monitoring skimmer and pump performance. This is used as a maintenance tool maybe every 3-4...
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    tank runing

    Hi Nikki what type of additive you use for calcium and alk and how you add your calcium ? i have mag test and today i will test again the kalk , calc, and mag i want to see real where they pointed. since i put the part a+b i add about 42 gallon ro distilled water i believe that some...
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    tank runing

    thank krish here is more picture (before i add the fan and the uv)from the top all my valve are full open just in the fuge area i close little bit the valve to get low flow there i want that the sand will seat good there. [/url][/IMG]
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    tank runing

    here is the filter system . i put the the sump was build by advice from marc i am very thankful for his help (great person). since i have problem with bubble in the tank i split the pipe in the refuge section and in the skimmer section and i solve the problem. in the fuge area i am going to...