tank runing

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Well-known member
Nov 27, 2005
here is 2 picture for the tank it's run about 1 week one with light the second no light(they look blur 5mp camera and bad quality:) ).

i don't like the way the rock look but i tired to play with.... i think it's to much about 200 lbs. i start with 3 seio m2600 (total of 7800gph) the 2 side ph temporary 540gph each i use them now to move waste from the rock with pipe. i have problem with the heat about 84-85 when the light work (i believe the nex step will be to buy chiller before calc reactor need to prepare the wife for another visit from the shipping company....).
i put the ph as low as i can in the tank to get more circulation in the bottom .
i do mistake anyway IMO i add the 2 part a+b kent calc and alk some of my rock as you can see in the picture get dark purple color my calc about 500 and the kalk low (i am always against this additives don't like them and like a little child i put them need to smack my hand..... i know that the better way to dose them but i don't have yet the calc reactor and the kalk reactor ) i am lose evry 12 hour 3 gallon of water. i connect today my 36watt uv run with 295gph ph. the ph about 8.1 the other 0 .my bulb are the ab10000 by aqua medic .

if you have any suggest please put your comment.

thank all


Glad you finally got is set up! That's a lot of flow! Should work pretty well for you if placed right.

About the 3 gal loss per day...That's a lot compared to my 1 gal a day. Is that just from evaporation? Oh yeah, and for the record, what size tank did you end up going with? Was it the 125?
Awesome Michael! Woohoo! Congrats on getting it set-up!

Do you have a cover on the top of your tank? Do you have any fans blowing on your sump? That might help with the heat issue. I evaporate about 3 gallons a day on my 120 gallon, but I'm not sure if that increased with the house heater running more (when it is colder outside).

What are your water parameters (salinity, alkalinity, nitrates, etc)? You shouldn't need to dose anything you don't need right now, so your calcium is a little high at 500ppm.

Aquascaping looks very nice! If you are concerned about having too much rock, take some pieces out and see if you like it better. Watch for areas that collect detritus piles...these will be areas to clean frequently. If you can't reach them, then you might have to redirect your flow.

Let's see some pics of your equipment!

(i am always against this additives don't like them and like a little child i put them need to smack my hand.....

:lol: See? Sometimes its a good thing we are all scattered around the country, as we might have to smack your hand and say, "Don't do that!". :)
the tank size 48X24X24 120 gallon , i left the center open because i want to put there in the future clams. i don't like the color on the rock but i know that i need to wait... i connect today a fan on top of the sump want to see if it will reduce the heat afraid to transfer the fish in this temp meantime my 2 little damsel there.
hi nikki

i did not when you post i was still write my post.

i don't have cover on the top of the tank i plan to put egg creat like that all the gas will exchange and go out.

my water parm nitaret and amo are 0 the alk low but i will stabile it the salinity about 1.023 the same like my other tank after i transfer the fish i will increase to 1.025. i will post some picture after.
here is the filter system . i put the the sump was build by advice from marc i am very thankful for his help (great person).

since i have problem with bubble in the tank i split the pipe in the refuge section and in the skimmer section and i solve the problem. in the fuge area i am going to add more sand and 3 piece of l/r.i have small space in the right side i am plain to put there the geo 6-12 calc reactor .i read the post about what robert m fenner said on the kalk reactor and i know that you use in one (i want your advice regarding that).

best regards


krish75 said:
Sump looks nice Michael:)

thank krish

here is more picture (before i add the fan and the uv)from the top all my valve are full open just in the fuge area i close little bit the valve to get low flow there i want that the sand will seat good there.

Sump looks great!

With regards to the kalkwasser - I'm not sure why Bob feels that way. I have a lot of catch-up reading to do on that thread. I personally have found kalkwasser very beneficial for my system. I need to check my magnesium, because I read when using kalkwasser you must watch your levels of magnesium and make sure it doesn't fall. I'm going to be ordering a magnesium supplement from Warner Marine if I find my Mg level is lower than NSW.
Hi Nikki

what type of additive you use for calcium and alk and how you add your calcium ? i have mag test and today i will test again the kalk , calc, and mag i want to see real where they pointed.

since i put the part a+b i add about 42 gallon ro distilled water i believe that some parameter changed.

nikki do you use in your skimmer Airflow Meter i saw that euro reef recommended that.

i always make water change in my 46 gallon tank every 2 weeks (10%) now i am wondering if i am lose in a week 42 gallon so in month i am adding 168 gallon , i know that every one said "we still need and want to change water"
but with this volume of water that i add to the tank (they mixed with the old water i know that) who know in 100% what water exact we change....
and more the then that when the tank is not load with a lot of live in i want to know what is your opinion ....:)

best regards

I use kalkwasser to maintain my calcium and alkalinity, and help with a low pH problem. When I needed to raise my Ca and Alk, I used Warner Marine Concentrated Calcium Supplement and the KH buffer w/Mg, and the kalk has kept the Ca and alk stable....just need to check my Mg.

I do not have an airflow meter in my skimmer. I'll have to check Euroreef's recommendation on that, as I'm not sure why I'd need it. I do run hot RO/DI into the airline tube every other day or so.

As for water changes on this system...it really is dependent on what you want to do. How much water and how often are you wanting to change on the 120 gallon? How many fish are you transferring over from your other set-up?

Let us know how it goes with the fan on the sump. Do you have any air circulation in your light canopy?
NaH2O said:
I use kalkwasser to maintain my calcium and alkalinity, and help with a low pH problem. When I needed to raise my Ca and Alk, I used Warner Marine Concentrated Calcium Supplement and the KH buffer w/Mg, and the kalk has kept the Ca and alk stable....just need to check my Mg.

I do not have an airflow meter in my skimmer. I'll have to check Euroreef's recommendation on that, as I'm not sure why I'd need it. I do run hot RO/DI into the airline tube every other day or so.

As for water changes on this system...it really is dependent on what you want to do. How much water and how often are you wanting to change on the 120 gallon? How many fish are you transferring over from your other set-up?

Let us know how it goes with the fan on the sump. Do you have any air circulation in your light canopy?

Hi Nikki

here i copy the post from euro reef about the air flow meter:

The airflow meter is different than the control valve. The meter lets you know how much air you are taking in and is great for monitoring skimmer and pump performance. This is used as a maintenance tool maybe every 3-4 weeks.

The air control valve allows you to adjust the amount of air coming into the skimmer which is good for adjusting foamate/ skimmate performance when needed. I suggest both.


the fan help to reduce the heat : without the light i am at 78 with the light i came till 82 i take out the 2 pump from the side and reduce more heat if it will up again i will put one more fan before i will buy chiller (i don't have a lot of space under and i want to keep it to the calc reactor).

my light fixture are the aqua spaclight (german) and when i ask aqua medic about option of fan they said that the company not believe in cooling fan inside or outside the system they say that it's damage the part inside and the heat go out thru the metal (the metal burning when the light on i already feel that :)

best regards

I love your aquascaping, the tank looks great. I can see you went with the Seio's for the back of the tank and Maxijets for the sides. Looks good!
Cant wait to see how this tank looks in a year!

maxx said:
I love your aquascaping, the tank looks great. I can see you went with the Seio's for the back of the tank and Maxijets for the sides. Looks good!
Cant wait to see how this tank looks in a year!

hi nick


i take out this 2 ph (they not maxijet) they rated 540 gph each but the cause a lot oh heat . i add one more seio m2600 and i raise all the ph up to see if i got better circulation. i have some hair alega that shown on some rock maybe it's because i add some additive (kent a+b) i check all my water parameter and they good because the additve the cal and alk high but with the water that i add every day it's drop down. i don't like this brown hair aleag but i think i need to wait and to see what will be more time .

my test that i make today : nitrate-0 : ph-8.2 : amonia-0 : phosphate-0 : mag-1500 : calc-500 : alk-5.49 (should to be 2.9). my uv 36 watt and connect to 295gph ph . the bulb are 250watt (ab 10000k) about 1 month old, the skimmer work prety good. and all my water in the tank since i begin was ro distilled(reading 0).temp sabile at 78 after taking out the ph.(with and without the light) i run the light 8 hour a day. i post picture here how the tank llok like now. please let me know if you have any suggesting.

best regards


The tanks lookin great. Gotta love the caves. Keep up the geat work. The really cool thing about reef keeping is that all the hard work does pay off.
The algae outbreak you are experiancing is normal, and everyone goes through it. Short explanation is this:
Your tank is new and doenst have anything to compete with the algae for the available nutirents, so its using them. Later on, things will get better.

thanks Nikk

how you dose calc and kalk to your tank i saw in the big forum diy calc reactor look great but i think to buy the geo 6/12 i don't sure yet the diy one look so nice maybe if i find the time i will make it.

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