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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. S

    Quarantine Set-ups: Connect to Main System?

    I am trying to decide whether it is a good idea or not to plumb my Fish and Coral quarantine Tanks into the main system. I will have a 100 gallon quarantine tank for the Fish and approx. 30 to 50 gallon quarantine for Corals, etc. The only reason I am considering this is so that I would be...
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    600 Gallon Mixed Reef: Looking for input

    Not sure if everyone had seen photos of the temp. housing solution for my fish when I sold my 300 gallon tank. Here's a few pics. It's been pretty interesting to see how fast the Vlimangi Tang, Sohal Tang and French Angel have grown since I moved the fish into the pool back in June or...
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    600 Gallon Mixed Reef: Looking for input

    Didn't accomplish much more in the constuction phase last night, painted all my plywood with Killz and will install on top of the stand tonight. I did run a copper test on the tank I am using for my sump to assure myself that it had not been treated with copper before (as the previous owner...
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    600 Gallon Mixed Reef: Looking for input

    Here is a photo of the wall that is scheduled for demolition!!!:D It was picture day at my sons school so we were having him model some clothes for us!
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    600 Gallon Mixed Reef: Looking for input

    Here is a horrible rendering that I have put together (nothing to scale, it will actually have two drains and two returns. This photo is turning out tiny for some reason, might need to get our your microscopes!
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    600 Gallon Mixed Reef: Looking for input

    I planned on having the skimmer in the sump and as much equipment as possible in the sump to avoid any extra messes. I am planning on using two Sequence Hammerheads for returns. The Display tank will be sitting approx. 9+ feet directly above the sump and I really am not liking the amount of...
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    600 Gallon Mixed Reef: Looking for input

    Alberto, Close to what you are thinking. Basically a two tier set-up. 12 foot long sump on the bottom rack and then two feet above that is an 8 foot long rack that will hold the Refugium & Mangrove Tank will sit on the 8 foot stand and will be gravity fed by the drains and then gravity...
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    600 Gallon Mixed Reef: Looking for input

    The stand is 18" Tall 144" Long and 34" Wide The sump is 144"x24"x24". I left enough room under the stand to run plumbing for my returns pumps and any other misc. things. I will be building a stand that sits above this stand that will hold my Refugium, Mangrove Tank, and misc. equip. Also...
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    600 Gallon Mixed Reef: Looking for input

    Just got done with the Killz. Here's my temp. fish tank with the ASM-G6 sitting in it. It's been pulling out some massive fish-pooh!!!!lol
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    600 Gallon Mixed Reef: Looking for input

    Here's just a couple of pics. (nothing to exciting yet) Still need to add a few more cross braces then paint it with Killz. Then I will install 3/4" thick plywood on top of the stand and 1" thick foamboard before I move to sump into place.
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    600 Gallon Mixed Reef: Looking for input

    This project is coming along very slowly, tank builder switched building and that delayed my tank construction. Builder told me that my tank will go into production this week (FINALLY!!!). I have been working on some of the fishroom in the meantime and will try and post some photos...
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    600 Gallon Mixed Reef: Looking for input

    Got an email that my tank construction starts this week!!!!
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    600 Gallon Mixed Reef: Looking for input

    Not concerned about "energy savings" as much as I am preventing total livestock loss from leaking closed loop holes in the bottom of the tank. I have a lot large Angels so I don't know if I will have any clams, I would like to have some clams, just have to figure a way to introduce them to the...
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    600 Gallon Mixed Reef: Looking for input

    DGASMD - That powerhead is wild, probably wouldn't be good for acrylic tanks though! Unless it has some sort of buffer between it and the tank wall. Did you see that company is coming out with a wireless controller that can run up to 10 of those on a wavemaker!!!!!WOW!!!!! I really was...
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    600 Gallon Mixed Reef: Looking for input

    Inquiring minds want to know!!!!! LOL!!!! If that was a magnatised(sp?) powerhead, that would be awesome. I understand what your telling me Doc.!!!! :)
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    600 Gallon Mixed Reef: Looking for input

    Thanks for that photo Alberto, Also, if your anything like me, you have had quite a few beers during the set-up of your tank! :D It looks awesome, I love the low lying rock work! That will be one of the main features of my tank as well. I have been looking at a lot of CLause's tanks, love...
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    600 Gallon Mixed Reef: Looking for input

    Had one more thought on my flow after drooling over DGASMD's tank again. My overflow is external, I may see if I can have 2 to 4 additional holes drilled thru the overflow and the same sidewall of the tank giving me two drains and two returns to run spraybars down the middle part of the tank...
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    600 Gallon Mixed Reef: Looking for input

    Your more than welcome to make one of those awesome flow-schematics I've seen you do for some of the other tanks! :)
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    600 Gallon Mixed Reef: Looking for input

    At this point I think I am going to go with a manifold on a closed loop, and build a false wall into the right end of the tank to house 5 or more Tunze Streams. I really just don't want to worry about any closed loop returns in the bottom of the tank leaking at some point.
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    600 Gallon Mixed Reef: Looking for input

    Thanks Mojo, I can only hope it turns out as nicely as your tank did!!!! I am hoping to get a delivery date on the tank sometime this coming week.