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  1. C

    HELP!!! Problems with my new True Perculas

    I already tried the garlic from another brand since I could not find the Kent one. I knew these things happen and even though I was very patient I ignored the suggestions about the QT so I guess I just learned my lesson the hard way. I have to admit this if very discouraging and disappointing...
  2. C

    HELP!!! Problems with my new True Perculas

    I have been reading for the past 2 days about Brook and honestly it does not seem to be it. BTTRFLYGRL: thanks a lot for that link but seriously my clowns do not look like the ones in the pictures with Brook. I will try to find some Cyclopeeze Today too. I'm going to take some new pictures...
  3. C

    HELP!!! Problems with my new True Perculas

    I used water from the tank.
  4. C

    Carlos 60 gallon new tank

    I set up the qt Tonight, I could not find the Formalin though. I will try some other fish stores Tomorrow. The fishes seem ok but still not eating.
  5. C

    HELP!!! Problems with my new True Perculas

    I set up the qt Tonight, I could not find the Formalin though. I will try some other fish stores Tomorrow. The fishes seem ok but still not eating.
  6. C

    HELP!!! Problems with my new True Perculas

    No air pump? How big does it have to be? Should I fill it with freshly mixed salt water or water from the tank?
  7. C

    HELP!!! Problems with my new True Perculas

    I would like to know exactly how to do this too. I just got home and they look the same as yesterday but they still don't want to eat so I guess I'm going to have to setup a qt asap. Can you please tell me all I need to get set it up?
  8. C

    Carlos 60 gallon new tank

    They are captive bred. I will try to setup the qt this afternoon and see if I can treat them in time. :(
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    HELP!!! Problems with my new True Perculas

    I have a few more questions. If I treat them for Brook and that is not what they have, could I harm them instead? also if I remove the fishes from the tank, for how long the bacteria will stay present in the water?
  10. C

    HELP!!! Problems with my new True Perculas

    How can I be sure that it is Brook? I contacted the guy I got the Perculas from and he said they are captive bred but he did not know if they were treated against Brook.
  11. C

    HELP!!! Problems with my new True Perculas

    Here are my parameters... Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 0 pH 8.1 Salinity 1025 PPT 33 Temp 79.2 F Thanks for your help you all!
  12. C

    HELP!!! Problems with my new True Perculas

    I don't know if this is the right place to post this so please feel free to move this threat. My tank has been running for over 3 months. It completed the cycle almost a month ago. 2 weeks ago I added a full cleaning crew and all inverts seem to be ok. Last Sunday I got a breeding pair of...
  13. C

    Carlos 60 gallon new tank

    Problems!!! :cry: ummm I came back home this afternoon and noticed that the Percula female does not look good. It seems like some little skin is peeling off. They still haven't eaten anything since they came on Sunday. Check out the picture... I just started a new threat about this...
  14. C

    Carlos 60 gallon new tank

    Hey Debbie thanks a lot for your compliments and suggestions; I will definitely keep them in mind. :) Carlos
  15. C

    Carlos 60 gallon new tank

    I was just wondering if I should be monitoring my pH already? is there anything I should test besides Ammonia, Nitrites, Nitrates, Salinity and PPT?
  16. C

    Carlos 60 gallon new tank

    I bought some Ocean nutrition pellets but still they didn't eat it. Also, they spent the whole day underneath a powerhead in a corner of the tank but Tonight when I tried to feed them, I turned off the powerheads and they started swimming all over the tank, I don't really think I have to much...
  17. C

    Carlos 60 gallon new tank

    I was wondering if it's normal that my clowns have not eaten ever since they got here. Yesterday as well as Today I offered them some frozen shrimp but they don't seem to be interested at all even when I get my hand close to them. Any suggestions?
  18. C

    Carlos 60 gallon new tank

    15 weeks Today... I got my True Perculas Today, Check them out! picture is not that great so I will try to get some more later. I'm so excited!!! :)
  19. C

    Carlos 60 gallon new tank

    I plan to go buy the parts to build the Stockman pipe this afternoon and I was wondering if I should make it 1" or 1 1/4". I have a 1" bulkhead but the Durso is 1 1/4" because supposedly works better.
  20. C

    Carlos 60 gallon new tank

    Should I do a water change tomorrow before the perks come on Sunday? It's been 2 weeks since the last one.