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  1. kcbrad

    Seattle/Eastside Fish Stores

    Haha I didn't notice either! I thought I read it in there. Okay, thanks!!
  2. kcbrad

    Seattle/Eastside Fish Stores

    Thanks! I'll check into this place. I like helping out new businesses.
  3. kcbrad

    Seattle/Eastside Fish Stores

    Ooooh! Thanks for the tip. I'm really excited now! :) Can't wait. I'll try to check out the place this week.
  4. kcbrad

    Seattle/Eastside Fish Stores

    I'm getting ready to buy my last fish, so I'm thinking I'll try A Red Sea. Now I just need to figure out what fish I want (such a big decision)! I'm sure Rob, or someone else who's working there, will help be able to help me choose. Thanks!
  5. kcbrad

    Seattle/Eastside Fish Stores

    Just wanted to let y'all know that I went to Barrier Reef today and got two new fish. Thanks for the recommendation! The place was great and the man working was outstanding! I'll try A Red Sea soon, too! Thank you!!
  6. kcbrad

    Starfish Help!!

    Thanks for all the replies guys! I am bummed about it eating my coraline algae, but other than that I'm excited! Hopefully he figures reproducing to be a waste of time and will be my one and only! :-) Haha.
  7. kcbrad

    Starfish Help!!

    Hi, Well, I'm totally ecstatic, but also very worried because I have NO idea what to do! I bought some new live rock yesterday and noticed tonight that I have a hitch hiker star fish. It is very small and white. How do I care for it? Will my scarlet hermit crabs eat it? Is it safe to have in my...
  8. kcbrad

    Polyp ID

    Hi, Is this a polyp? I just brought home this live rock today and noticed this guy on there. Hope it is! Thanks!
  9. kcbrad

    Fin Rot

    Well, I'm hoping they will! The guy at my local fish shop sold me a springer's damsel and said that they tend to be much less aggressive than other damsels, so it should work out with my clown and damsel. But who knows, each fish is so different. Maybe I got a super mean springer's! :-) Thanks...
  10. kcbrad

    Fin Rot

    The reason I'm asking is that my damsel is missing a chunk out of his dorsal fin and tail fin. The missing areas appeared over the span of two days and the areas look like clean cuts, which is why I suspected his fins were being nipped. However, I was nervous about fin rot because my clown and...
  11. kcbrad

    Fin Rot

    Hi, What are the most common signs of fin rot in marine fish? What have you noticed if you've experienced fin rot? And how can you tell if the fish's fins are being nipped or if it is rot? I've been looking online but haven't found anything too helpful. Thank you!!
  12. kcbrad

    Help! Damsel acting weird.

    Okay, here's an update. So today the damsel is out and swimming around like normal. His breathing has also slowed. He appears normal. However, I think I see sugar like crystals on his body...they are super small and now I'm worried it's ich. I may be just being paranoid because I was looking at...
  13. kcbrad

    Help! Damsel acting weird.

    My tank is 37 gallons and the testing kit is brand new. I had an ammonia spike (the cycle, I think) a couple days ago, but it only spiked up to 0.25. Now it is 0 again. The water movement at the top is good, I think. I have 450ugh and the water turns over a bit over 12 times an hour. For...
  14. kcbrad

    Help! Damsel acting weird.

    Hi, I have a new fish only with live rock tank that's been up and running for three weeks. I've had my springer's damsel for two weeks. He has been very active, eating like a champ and getting along well with my clown. For two days he's been acting strange. He has his usual territory where he...
  15. kcbrad

    Seattle/Eastside Fish Stores

    Thanks for your suggestions! I can't wait to check out some of these places.
  16. kcbrad

    Seattle/Eastside Fish Stores

    Hi All, I'm new to saltwater aquariums and have only found two local stores that sell saltwater fish; Saltwater City and Denny's. I am wondering your thoughts on their fish and also any recommendations of local saltwater fish stores that you really like and have had good success with? Thanks!!
  17. kcbrad

    Yellow Clown Goby

    Thanks for all the input! Trying to decide which fish to get is a stressful thing for me...I want to make sure I get something I really like and also something that's fun to have, since (hopefully) I will have it for many years!
  18. kcbrad

    Yellow Clown Goby

    Hi, I'm thinking about getting some yellow clown gobies and am wondering what others think about them? Behavior, care, compatibility, etc... I currently have one oscellaris clown and one springer's damsel. They are both young and have been in my tank for two weeks. Any input will be greatly...