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  1. W

    Propogation of A fenestrafer (elephant ear)

    Hi guys Just wondering if the above coral or corallimorph can be propogated in teh same way as smaller shroom types? Or is there a better way of fragging this species? My Fenertrafer has reached about 20cm OD when fully expanded and I am now consciuos that it is out growing its placement in my...
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    just reading power outage thread and...

    Hi Nikki oh yes still following this one - Loved the Simpsons reminder "(Big fan) Generators - again I feel like many of you in that to have a peice of equipement that is only going to be used 1 day PCM at worst seems a poor investment - I am only aware of the larger industrial sized ones out...
  3. W

    high and dry corals

    In addition you could do what the LFS round these parts do when selling softies or LPS Wafting a hand back and forth over the top of them quickly and this makes them close down very quickly - I assume coral is reacting to what may be percieved as an storm and adopts self protective mode bare...
  4. Da Boys

    Da Boys

    The only 2 fish in the 70 gallon which they share with a cleaner shrimp and a boxer
  5. the 90 and 70 side by side

    the 90 and 70 side by side

    home entertainment centre 2 begginers reefs (No SPS or Nems) only easy stuff and a lap top
  6. tank 2 - 70 x UK gallon

    tank 2 - 70 x UK gallon

    softies and LPS - my favourites -
  7. W

    Test kits and color blindness

    Not sure on price Jiddy but I use the IKS aquastar hand held monitor and am very happy with its ease of use and more importantly its ease of calibration Bit like using a refractometer for testing salinity - initial investment is higher but you soon feel it was value for money after using it...
  8. W

    Live rock

    Hi guys my next logical question is what ratio of live/ tuffa is considered acceptable in order to provide enough life to ensure colonisation of the tuffa Would it be feasible to stock a reef with purely ocean rock with the only live rock being the basal rock that the corals are purchased with...
  9. W

    high and dry corals

    Hi Ric I do my water changes at lights out - when majority of the corals have retracted this means there is less risk to air exposure and whats more gives me greater access to the tank for syphoning (closed corals expose more bare rock etc ) My aim is to achieve a high sediment to water ratio...
  10. W

    Test kits and color blindness

    There will be many additional benefits of sharing the hobby with your wife aside from the ones you have mentioned - Sick of aftershave or hankies for Xmas? encourage your partners interest in your hobby and you may well enjoy next December far more than previous ones (I got a Toadstool leather...
  11. W

    just reading power outage thread and...

    We have power outages on a regular basis where I have my reef - due to high demands versus ability to supply The first time it happened - it was 8 hours - 8am until 6pm - I had no alternative power source and feared the worst since then we have experienced at least 1 day a month with power out...
  12. W

    Test kits and color blindness

    Hey Banana animal - i do not have a colour blindness problem but I still think soem to the test kits are difficult to interpret accuratley - I purchased a PH monitor due to believing based on 2 different test kits my PH was 7.9 - 8.1 - the monitor proved my PH was 8.39 (used buffers regurlarly...
  13. W

    Live rock

    Thank you again Nikki - I understand and accept your explanation and am now developing it in my own mind - Yes there must be a point in any system when the bilogical filtration provided by rock work is achievable using previous dead rock - the enviromental conditions in the tank do replicate the...
  14. W

    Live rock

    Hey Beeba - I would go along with the facts that corraline improves the appearnce of base rock and again I would agree that hair algae is prevented from colonising an area already occupied by coraline ( No sceintific explantion from me on that one but yes in my tanks only coraline grows on...
  15. W

    How bad are Bio Balls?

    Hi again I would like to expand on my previous post in the light of the sound advice by others top remove Bio balls slowly I did not I did it all in one go - I had a tank established for 2 years with live rock and a decent skimmer I maintained thee bioballs in plastic mesh trays in a large...
  16. W

    Live rock

    Thanks Nikki - My confusion here is that live rock is shipped moist and although there is die off a large number of the organisms do survive the shipping and subesquent re location - yet Tuffa rock is shipped dry and as such is deviod of any life when first introduced into a tank Thus a tank...
  17. W

    Live rock

    Excellent thanks for the input guys - Next question - It is widely held belief in Uk that Tuffa rock can absord nutrients and then dump them back in the system at a later date? - This is often spoken about when a newbie comes on a site such as this one in UK and subesquently asks about use of...
  18. W

    Being Conscientious

    Cheers Nick Sorry about delay reply - time zones and all that Reef keeping in China as a hobby is reasonably well catered for as far as live stock is concerned and a 3rd world economy (albeit making leaps and bounds improvements) is hardly likely to be concerned with CITES lists - if someone...
  19. W

    Being Conscientious

    Hi - Im just another Gobie with an opinion Conscientious to me means never knowingly or willingly exceeding my abilities at any current time and ensuring I am armed with enough information and experience before moving to the next level I will not buy a coral i do not know anything about I...
  20. W

    Live rock

    Hi Trevor - Yes yours was one of the threads i was referring to I had seen the images of the rock you had purchased So cost of live rock is the predominate reason for the use of base rock in order to construct a reef - I see your point if its a big tank its a lot of dollars at that $7. per 1LB...