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  1. P

    increase in lighting

    Many things can happen when u upgrade lighting. the current resident corals may change color (most of the time go brown) or even bleach. If the coral cahnges to brown I wouldn't worry about it too much, however If the coral begins to bleach quickly place the in areas with less light i.e caves...
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    lighting question

    Softies and some lps, like hammer, torch, and frogspawn
  3. P

    Are large bow front tanks bad?

    Tracy, Hope everything works out for ya! Its too bad that ur IAP 155g cracked. Let me know whehn your ready to move inhabitants! Good Luck, Kurt
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    food culture system

    When your ready to start culturing let me know..... I have phyto and rotifer cultures!
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    Ricordiea help!

    Can Ricordiea mushroom anemone's move off rocks?
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    What do you guys think?

    Funny you'd mention that. I had the Copperbanded for 3 days, Unfortuneatly he died. I just couldn't get him to eat!
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    Josh's 55g Reef Journal

    I dig the light fixture, I looked into that brand but decieded to go retro. I just couldn't drop that kinda cash! Keep up the good work, can't wait to see it set-up
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    What do you guys think?

    Here's a picture of my sump. The sump is a 15L partioned in several different places. Basically the drain dump into the sump, spills over the inner baffels, half the water goes back to the return and the other half feeds into the protein skimmer chamber. The protein skimmer return pumps the...
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    What do you guys think?

    Tanks been set-up a little over a year! I just purcashed several destressed corals from sharks reef (ones in the middle). I'm happy with it. Any critiques? Hey moortim checkout the site in my sig and get active in our local club!!!! Oh, scooter, it's not a cube, its a 54g corner tank!
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    What do you guys think?

  11. P

    Mag Pumps

    Ya, like Brad said.....I'd go with the mag 7 or mag 9.5 depending on how big ur return line is. I have some friends who use Rio HF 20's for there returns but I wouldn't trust them farther than I could throw them! Stick with the mags!!!!
  12. P

    Visiting AQuatic Dreams on Saturday, then I will be at June Picnic.

    Ed, i think that Kevins is closed Saturday! Check his thread. See ya at the meeting! Cheers, Kurt
  13. P

    June PSAS Picnic & Raffle

    I'm planning on comming to the meeting tomorrow from Moscow, ID. I have several Red/Purple Fungia????? Does anyone wanna trade? If so let me know tonight!!!!!! Send me a PM. Can't wait for the meeting tomorrow!!!! Cheers, Kurt
  14. P

    Lighting question

    So is it possible, because its a 440w ballast, to run two VHO and two t-5's. Thanks for the resopnses. Cheers, Kurt
  15. P

    Lighting question

    Hey all- I have a 440w ARO VHO ballast and I'm only running 2 24" VHO. I was wondering if i could use the ballast to run 2-t5. Is this possible?