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  1. W

    Revival of RUGF including NNR ! !

    Well Nick, the "intention" is to do no manitanence, below the "critter screen", which sits at the top of the "glass bead channels". There has been a terrific amount of controversy, regarding "to stir or not" in DSB's generally. Most polls return a preference for "not stirring", however, many...
  2. W

    Revival of RUGF including NNR ! !

    It's the same as always Mojo, I'm looking for a substrate system for the sand animals that need and enjoy it, to live and play in. Since substrate will be there for that reason, then I wish to have a reliable system, that tends to avoid clogging and hydrogen sulfide production. After that, if we...
  3. W

    Revival of RUGF including NNR ! !

    Do you mean to say, a lot will be dissloved, and a lot will be undissloved ? I assume so, and I quite agree. Here is the statement again Boomer for the third time: The "organics" that make it through a 20 micron filter, will be smaller than 20 micron ( .0008" ) and much of that will be...
  4. W

    Revival of RUGF including NNR ! !

    Really ? There is a reason, But not the deep end. Yes they will Boomer, who's going off the deep end ? I will state again: The "organics" that make it through a 20 micron filter, will be smaller than 20 micron ( .0008" ) and much of that will be dissolved. Yes, they do. Yes I stated...
  5. W

    Revival of RUGF including NNR ! !

    The "organics" that make it through a 20 micron filter, will be smaller than 20 micron ( .0008" ) and much of that will be dissolved. That portion of this which is not dissolved, and therefore "particulate", will pass very very easily through the .72mm ( .028" ) interstital pore space of the 3...
  6. W

    Revival of RUGF including NNR ! !

    Your custom "flow meter" is a valuable aid Paul. I like it ! :p :) Your oxygen reducing canister could work fairly well. The oxygen meter, I think, would be quite necessary, at least at first. After you found out what it needs, the flow meter would probably suffice. You could read the oxygen...
  7. W

    Revival of RUGF including NNR ! !

    And at least as much more from a conventional sand bed, therefore the peviously described "Aerobic denitrification" remains an interesting side note, but to a degree that is not of much use in a denitrificaton system design. Exactly ! ! The point is that the "purpose -built" channels, will...
  8. W

    Revival of RUGF including NNR ! !

    These guys are directly "on to" the necessary information for this application, which is valuable as well to Frequent Plenum Wasting, which I also promote. Boomer, can you get us more info. from this source, or a link, or whatever. It would be highly appreciated. I'm really not concerned about...
  9. W

    Revival of RUGF including NNR ! !

    My mistake ( obviously ) Boomer. Not paying enough attention on the mg/l thing, thanks ! How about the numerical values though ? Yes, some bacteria CAN produce their own micro environment, in an otherwise aerobic area, which makes it an interesting side note, but this does not occur with a...
  10. W

    Revival of RUGF including NNR ! !

    Two of the links were particularly interesting. I would call that sensitvity to oxygen level, which I have found to be reported as .5 to 2.0 meq/L, to be considered the hypoxic level that promotes denitrification by Faculative bacteria. ( 1.0 meq/L nominal ) Any comments on this Boomer ...
  11. W

    Revival of RUGF including NNR ! !

    This is what I expect. I think I could run enough filtration to eliminate ALL detritus from going through the RUGF, BUT I don't think I need to, or want to. :D If this tank is 24" tall, it is a 120 gal.. :p :D Are you sure about the measurements, please check one more time. If the tank is...
  12. W

    Revival of RUGF including NNR ! !

    Paul, your "gravel" would be 2 to 5mm in dia. ( most likely ) when you put it in. Dolomite if I remember correctly. This material, if used exclusively, in a freshly set up tank would not work. At the stated "low flow" of 150 gph in your 100 gal. tank, the gravel would be highly oxygenated, ALL...
  13. W

    Revival of RUGF including NNR ! !

    Exactly Getting it hypoxic can be tricky, so sand would be a better choice than gravel, as it has less flow-throughput Sand is better ? The whole issue with any UG system and I do not care what the grain size is, is that you can not stop channeling. The Eheim is/was the best attemp at it...
  14. W

    Revival of RUGF including NNR ! !

    Actually, I think that "short circuiting", or "channeling" is probably the best way to reliably create the Hypoxic zones that we are looking for. These areas or layers of oxygen gradation need not be vertical. They work just fine sideways or any other direction. :idea: If you have "higher"...
  15. W

    Revival of RUGF including NNR ! !

    Boomer, most of the layering is underneath the critter screen. It is the function of the critter screen, to keep animals that are large enough to disturb the layering out of that area, while allowing smaller but still beneficial animals through. I have specified 6mm ( 1/4" ) openings in the...
  16. W

    Revival of RUGF including NNR ! !

    Thanks for the link Boomer, those are the numbers I'm used to. The question is, at what GRADED size of sand, is the bed going to be "too restrictive". > Barry :)
  17. W

    Revival of RUGF including NNR ! !

    When a person says "sand" in reef keeping, they need to specify the size. That has rarely been done, and the resulting confusion is monumental. Composition is important as well, but we haven't made it past size yet. :D The size that works with a specific mechanical version of system will be...
  18. W

    Revival of RUGF including NNR ! !

    Agreed, 1 year is not a fair test, but many people have ended up with algae and cyano, and algae mats, and clumping etc. in even less than a year. Not so in my tank. 1-2mm at surface with high flow and critters is why. I agree on the diatom as well. I don't think so. Sand, even when fine, is...
  19. W

    Revival of RUGF including NNR ! !

    Andrew, with a good filter before the pump, there should be almost no detritus under the plates. Remember, you were using a UGF, not a Reverse UGF. The UGF pulls detritus directly into the gravel. Gravel is used with UGF filters, not sand. The RUGF with sand is not going to get very much...
  20. W

    Revival of RUGF including NNR ! !

    Well Paul, the critter screen would be under 2" of .5 to 1.5mm sand. And while I understand that with the low flow were talking about, detritus will not be "whisked" up into the water, High flow in the water column will keep most of it from penetrating significantly, along with various critters...