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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. K

    DIY phosban reactor?

    They look like pretty simple devices, can they be DIY'd cost effectively? Also, can they be mounted horizontally? With a 29 gallon sump under a 29 gallon tank, I don't exactly have room for stuff under the tank. The stand, however, is very tall and a phosban reactor could be mounted under...
  2. K

    Spray bar versus bulkhead

    In a bb tank, no bulkheads, how do you all deal with not having a spray bar? Could I just run tubes in the back corners to a 'T' that would fire down into the corner and then towards the other back corner? I have no problems not using a spray bar, I'm just not sure how not to in a bb tank...
  3. K

    Spray bar versus bulkhead

    O.k. as I prepare to build my spray bar, how do I determine the correct number, size, and spacing of the holes? The flow for the spray bar will likely be delivered via a Mag9.5 return and which will also supply flow to 2 other outlets, just haven't decided where these 2 will be placed yet.
  4. K

    As the silicone dries...

    I just added the baffles for my sump and I hope I put them in the correct spot...please let me know if all will work as I have envisioned. The display is a 29 gallon, the same size tank as the sump. I'd like to put a skimmer and refugium in the sump. Oh, and the tank is bb. The CPR overflow...
  5. K

    A word about Damsels.. (Caution! May be slightly graphic.)

    If it's a yellow tail damsel, I'll take it. I set my tank up knowing that it would be inhabited by yellow tail damsels, fire shrimp, and cleaner shrimp (yes, I know fire shrimp ARE cleaner shrimp). Anyway, I've got space for him if you're just going to kill him. I was planning on waiting...
  6. K

    Top Down Pics of sleeping tank.

    They're related to snails. This is the biggest of the chitons and the pic shows a nice image of where their gills are and how much the foot and mouth look like that of a snail. Imagine a snail with an articulating shell.
  7. K

    Tap Water

    Got this link from the link from Ilham... Granted, this is a grab sample from the first part of May 2005. 2003 looks similar as does 2001. I can't believe that there would be any significant benefit to using RO/DI with these water parameters...
  8. K

    opinion on which pump where

    Not sure that helped. Basically, the flows work out to within about 100gph of each other. The Mag 9.5 with 1" plumbing all the way to the 4 outlets will run (according to the calculator) at about 606gph. Theoretically, there would be no headloss in a closed loop so the Mag5 would run at...
  9. K

    opinion on which pump where

    Just looking for people's opinions on this. I have a Mag9.5 and a Mag5. One will be the sump return running through 4 openings (two aiming at the glass and two aimed at the bottom corners in the back), the other for a closed loop on a spray bar. Which pump for which? The stand is about 42"...
  10. K

    Tap Water

    The reason I asked this question is simply that I'm in the process of switching out between 29g tanks...long story. During the move I was going to end up doing more then my weekly water change which I've always done RODI. For this change over where I'd like to mix about 15gal of new water, do...
  11. K

    Tap Water

    With all of the discussion from the Bob Fenner mtg about whether or not to use tap water, I'm curious about how Seattle water stacks up? Have any of you Seattlites tested the tap water? I'd like to switch and would be willing to do so if the potential nutrient inputs from said water are very...
  12. K

    Live rock questions

    From what I gather, many lfs don't charge you any different. Also, many people will tout cooking live rock (do a search, it has nothing to do with the oven). I've always heard about a pound a gallon for rock, give or take. The 2 best shops in the area are Saltwater City in Bellevue and Blue...
  13. K

    My notes from Bob Fenner

    I wasn't able to go to the talk either, but, from what's been reported here, I'd say Bob would agree that using your water in a reef would be a bad idea. I was born and raised in SoCal and even drinking the water is iffy. At some point, I'll get around to testing my tap water and will...
  14. K

    Plastic tube feeder

    That feeding device is very cool. What screen material is made from? I would be concerned with seahorses hurting themselves when they do that snap thing they do to suck food in if the material were too stiff.
  15. K

    Freshwater dip?

    Ich is not an issue with a dead fish.
  16. K

    What's up with my water?

    I'm pretty sure my DSB isn't contributing since I don't have one. I run BB.
  17. K

    What's up with my water?

    Thanks, I know it's high...really high. I am not dosing with anything. I'll have the LFS check my water tomorrow and see what numbers they come up with. In the mean time, I'll try to stick with one type of salt and see how that goes.
  18. K

    What's up with my water?

    I finally bought a Ca test kit. I've been wanting to since Dec 1. I don't entirely trust my hydrometer and my borrowed conductivity meter from work is not being cooperative so take my salinity for what it's worth. The current params before my weekly water change (I'll do it tomorrow) are...
  19. K

    Salt Deal Tracker 2006

    Eastside for my bucket por favor
  20. K

    Salt Deal Tracker 2006

    You can count me in for one too. At 5 gallons a week that should last almost a year!