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  1. C

    blue tang dead, concerns for other fish???

    Do you have a cleaner shrimp? I had a purple tang get Ick bad one time added a cleaner shrimp and in a week or so he was fine. Patrick
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    toadstool coral

    If the specs are a little yellow might be getting burened from to much light. Patrick
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    I have a tuxedo urchin in my 55gal never had a problem with him. Except knocking over little rocks or corals that have not attached yet. Patrick
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    Hey motohead if you don't mind who did you get them from? I can't find any pink ones except that one at the lfs for $175. Patrick
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    Proppagation of a colt coral

    Steve thanks for the link and helpful info. I let you guys know how it went this weekend. Patrick
  6. gorgonian


  7. tank


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    Motohead sounds like you got at good deal on those rics better than $175 for just one I hope :eek: .I have nothing but soft coral in my tank been that way for two years now. I like sps and lps but every tank I see now thats all that is in them and they look good but you cant beat a tank full of...
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    Proppagation of a colt coral

    Well I going to give it a shot this weekend. Knowing my luck it will probably die man I would never here the end of that one you killed the birthday present I gave you. Brad if I cut him do you know about how long and how much mucus it will create I don't want that in the main tank and he is a...
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    Proppagation of a colt coral

    I am haveing a problem with my colt coral getting to big, I got him as a birthday present from my girlfriend a year ago. He was the size of a tennis ball, and now he is bigger then a basketball and dominates the middle of my tank. He is in the middle of the tank and his arms are getting so...
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    mushrooms,ricordea and yuma

    Well went by the lfs today and yep the ricordea it sold. Patrick
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    my new 230 in wall project

    Wow great tank! Good luck with the greenhouse. Patrick
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    mushrooms,ricordea and yuma

    Motohead the lfs here has one pink ricordea the first time I have seen one around here almost got but it had the price tag of $175 ouch. Patrick
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    Whats the most expensive fish you've bought?

    $120 for a purple tang that likes to jump. $90 for a flame angel, sold because it was eating all my snails. Patrick
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    Smuggling Fish under your Skirt

    Talk about something fishy going on under her skirt!
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    Clownfish Jumper :(

    NaH2o Don't remember exactly what happened it went pretty fast, but the first words out of my mouth were "why didn't you put it back in the tank?" not the best thing to say at the time. Yes I did check on the fish first. She is in to reef tanks too, she has her own. But she still didn't like the...
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    Clownfish Jumper :(

    Sorry about the loss. I have lost some fish that way but have saved one a adult purple tang. My tank is mabe a foot from my bed and he jumped into my girlfriends lap while she was asleep i don't who was more scared her the fish or me. The eggcrate works good. I think any fish can be a jumper.
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    Best Filter for Live Reef ?

    I have found that protien skimming is a very good along with live rock in my tank. I also use some carbon but someone told me that that many cheap made activated carbons are a source of phosphates b/c of the way they are manufactured don't know how true it is? I know it's not filtration but...
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    New coral

    Does anyone know if there is someone documenting gorgonian growth in individual species over a year? I was trying to figure out what is the average growth rate of a gorgonian in the wild compared to captivity. I have experienced about an inch growth since I have had mine. Hey Ohgee i think the...
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    New coral

    Mojo the one in the pic is it pink with white polyps? If so where did you find it? I cant seem to find that many gorgs and not with that color. I want to set up a gorgornian only tank mabe a 210 gal. Here are some shots of my other gorgs I have had all in my tank for about a year. Brad i...