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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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    Pinched Mantle

    This may be a little off subject, but here goes. I am currently planning my first reef tank, and am wondering if 2" of sand of my plenum will accomidate the giant clams I so desire? Any input would be great. Thanx...
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    depth of plenum?

    I'm currently in the planning phase of setting up my first reef tank. I'm pretty set on going with a plenum, but would also like to have one or two clams/giant clams. Should I increase the depth of the upper layer of sand or will 2" be enough? Any input would be great, thanx...
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    nitrates nitrates nitrates

    I've been reading quite a bit about setting up a reef tank and one of the things the "pros" say you should never do is mix live filtration, ie; live rock and live sand with any sort "trickle filter" or bio balls or anything like that. Is anybody big on the idea of a plenum natural filtration set...
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    Kents phosphate sponge

    Have you tried a "tank cleaner pakage" Turbo Snails, Hermit Crabs,various shrimp and the like? Go check out this link, it might "help" alleviate your alge problem. Steve
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    Best Filter for Live Reef ?

    Thanx a lot for the advice and the welcome Ed :) My thinking on my tank is this, go with the plenum, with the best Protien Skimmer I can find, (might be too expensive but I hear you get what you pay for,lol) and LOTS of water movement, whatever those are called,lol. Remember I'm brand new...I'd...
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    Best Filter for Live Reef ?

    Wright, Just a quikie, do you emplore a plenum in your tank?
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    Best Filter for Live Reef ?

    Going to set up a Live Reef tank, incorporating a Plenum. Information says to make sure to have excellent Protien Skimmer, and best possible Filtration, and of course lot's of water movement. Any input as to which "type" and or specific filters are working well for all of you out there would be...
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    Any Hints?

    have you ever checked out It's pretty nice.
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    "Red Sea Aquarium's" fact or fiction?

    When deciding on which "kind" of Aquarium I want to set up, is there any truth to the myth that If you would like to include some Red Sea fish, invertabrates, and the like, then you should go stricktly Red Sea, due to it's higher salinity requirements? Ive read that the Red Sea has a much...
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    Help with choosing live rock, please!

    Thanx sparks, I also wonder when they suggest a certain poundage per gallon, that must mean wet rock, eh? I mean all live rock is dealt wet right?
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    Skimming 101

    I think your right on nikki. From what little I've read that is. And that consists of "the complete book of the marine aquarium" by:Vincent B. Hargreaves. It's the best book I've read yet, and the only,lol. Another quick question, I'm thinking of going with a Plenum System. Which requires...
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    Help with choosing live rock, please!

    I've read Carribean is the best choice due to it's porosity. 2nd being Red Sea, and 3rd, indo Pacific. Is there any truth to this? And also is 2.2 lb's of live rock per gallon too much? Many more questions if anybody has an ear!
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    Any Hints?

    How did you go about chosing which kind of rock you wanted to use? I've read Carribean is the best, then Red Sea, followed by indo Pacific. Can anybody confirm this?
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    Reef Frontiers Chat

    I'm brand new and very confused, but I'll give it a try!
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    Comment by 'alizar185' in media 'Zac's Tank'

    very nice tank Zac, well done!