Reef Frontiers Chat

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Ok Mike Im at the Mirc sites, is there any room that you use for chat


Once you register your nickname, you normally just hit "commands" and then "join channel" and type #reeffrontiers

However, Erik has indicated that there have been some probs on the afterxnet server recently so you might want to try entering the following (include the forward slash).

/server 6659 or
/server depending on your IRC client.

Registering your nick means that no one else can pretend to be you. I believe that this is a requirement for RF chat so that if someone says their name is Miniatus, you know you are really talking with Miniatus and not someone pretending to be Miniatus.

Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
Hey Mike & Curt,
I'm also trying to get to the reef frontiers site. I got signed up to mirc. I am connected to a server.........Quake net. I can't see how to change servers.:confused: ...........Scott
Scott - I believe you just need to type the line that Curt posted (the /server plus numbers) into your dialogue box - I'm not exactly sure, as I don't use mIRC, but ircle....and I'm not that great at using it yet. Then, you type /join #reeffrontiers, and don't forget to identify yourself once you are in the room with /msg nickserv identify <password>

I'm scaring myself....someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Elmo18 said:
Some of you may have already used mIRC, however, this is an important thing to do once you have decided on a Nickname (alias) and will use that during chat.

So let's say i would like to use Elmo18 as my alias on the server.

I would need to register that name so no one else can use it, except myself, because it can lead to problems (i.e. someone else using your alias).

So to register my nickname, i would type this in, AFTER i have logged into the server.
Type this and press Enter/Return, do not include the " " .

"/ns register PASSWORD EMAIL"

Replace PASSWORD with a password of your choice.
Replace EMAIL with your ACTUAL email, as it will send an automatic email to you with a code that you must use to verify.

Again, looking forward for the chat.

Originally posted by mojoreef The network we will be using is AfterX (formerly Xnet). You can connect to it at "" For most of you this will mean using Mirc and typing "/server" in the "Status" window.
The channel name is #Reeffrontiers (Who'da Thunk?).
Most of these commands can be accomplished by merely using Mirc buttons. However, I wanted you to know that there is help out there if you need it. Here is some fairly straightforward info.

Ignore nick/address - use to prevent someone from talking to you.
The persons nick or address may be used. ex. /ignore daub 3

Join & Parts
/join # - use to join a channel. ex. /join #channel name
/part # - use to leave a channel ex. /part #channel name
/leave # - same as part ex. /leave #channel name
/quit (message) - use to quit IRC.

Who's Who and Where
/whois nickname - used to get info on a nick. ex. /whois RocketX
/whowas nickname - used to get info on a nick that has just left IRC ex. /whowas nickname

Who's There?
/names - shows nicks of users on a channel. ex. /names #chatzone
Note that users set to +i ( Invisible ) will not be seen

Private Messaging
/msg nickname message - sends a private message to a user.
/query nickname - opens a new window for private dialog with a nick.

Away Message
/away away message - use to tell others you are not currently at your computer. To set yourself back type /away again.

Channel List
/list - requests a list of currently formed channels from the server
The listing you request is not updated until you issue the request again.

Notify List
/notify nickname - this allows you to see when someone comes on-line.

Nick Changes
/nick newnick - if I wanted to change my current nick, Fruit, to Fruit^Loop, I would use this command.

Sending Message to All Channels
/amsg This and the /ame command send the specifed message or action to all channels which you are currently on

Clearing Windows
/clear windowname this clears the entire scrollback buffer of the current window.

Closing Messages
/closemsg windowname this closes the specified message window.

/help [keyword] Brings up the Basic IRC Commands section in the mIRC help file with the specified keyword.
The Acronym Defintion function is now active. In order to use it you type !Define and then the acroynm you wish to define. Remember this only works within our specific chatroom and you type the commands directly in the channel.

Example: !Define Imac

Current Functions:
!Help - This function directs you to articles on a reefkeeping topic of your choosing.

!Define - This function provides short definition for common reefkeeping acronymns.

Functions In Progress:
!Pic - Will provide ID pictures and pictures of members and thier tanks

!FAQ - Still hammering out how to implement this one, but it will be linked to the FAQ section in our resource library.

More To come:
!Info - This will be like a reef keeping encylodpedia.

!OFR - This will help you old timers to cope with these crazy computers :lol: just kidding on that one.

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I really like the idea of chat sessions. and it makes me laugh to think how many of us setting this thing up is going going to be like a drunk unlocking a locked door at night.
I'm studing electronics engineering and my five year old knows a computer better than I. I figured out yahoo chat, hope full I'll have this one done by the first chat session.
I'm still working on the sand bed stiring thing
Just a note of change....we have switched the chat day to Sunday evenings at 9pm eastern/8pm central/6pm Pacific
hey guys i think a live chat is a great idea, it will be real fun.i can creat a room if you guys like ,iam a web designer,give me a few days ill get back to you guys with a web site.
FYI - there is now a link to chat via the menu at the top of the page.

Hope to see some of you Sunday evening!
Alizar - Welcome to Reef Frontiers!!! Hope to see you in Chat on Sunday evening!
Cheers to you for getting the java chat client in place. I am seeing alot more folks dropping in throughout the week and I anmcertain this will really give a shot in the arm to our sunday night chats.

I really like being able to help new reefers out in the direct one on one enviroment of RF chat it is a great resource and I highly encourage people to use it. It takes some minor getting used to the decorum of IRC, but if you are at all interested in gabbing about reefs with some good people I suggest anyone stop by, chances are I will be there or at the very least be logging messages.

Ya'll should come chat ;) No hanging out wondering what night, the time is upon you! We'd love to see you :).

Do I need to download anything for the chat room? Or do I just loggin and register the name? If I have to register the name is it the same as what we were told on page one of this thread?