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    Am I feeding my LPS enough?

    I built an acrylic box with a hole in the top just big enough to squirt some food in. Place the box over my coral that i want to target and squirt the food in through the hole. this keeps my shrimp and brittle stars away while the coral feeds , after a few min i just take the box off move to the...
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    all my fish have ich

    I just looked at my log that i keep on my tanks, and i added the bluejaw on Dec 28 2006.
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    all my fish have ich

    Im using hypo now and all the spots that were on the fish are gone. I know that i've got to keep it going for 4 to 6 weeks to be sure its gone. As far as keeping the water pristine my normal routine is to change about 30gallons each week so im thinking that this should be okay. im just trying to...
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    all my fish have ich

    thanks everyone, most of the live rock is not really live rock its argocrete i only have a few real rocks in there to seed the others so im not really worried about loseing the rock. I have already started lowering the salinity for hypo. I was just whanting to see if i could get some other...
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    all my fish have ich

    im not sure where it came from havent added anything in over two months but they got it. what should i do now? i have a dogface puffer, harliquin tusk, bluejaw trigger and a picasso trigger. They are in a 150gal tank with some live rock nothing else. They are to big to remove and i dont have...
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    Sebae Anemone survival rate in reef tanks!

    I have a sabae in a 75gal reef i have had it for about a year now and it seems to be doing great. It was about 5 inches when i got it and now its about 14inches. I took a chance because when i got mine it was bleached white, i put under compact lighting and fead it a peice of shrimp twice a week...
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    Blue-jaw trigger not eating

    I bought a blue throat a few weeks back and it did the same thing give it some time he will eat. What did the trick for me was some fresh shrimp from the grocery soaked in some garlic he tore it up. now i have trouble getting food past him for the puffer.
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    I currently have a sebae thats about 14 inches in a 75 gal reef with a mandarin. They have been together for about 10 months with no problems.
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    fish disappearing

    what do you think is eating them? if the flame is killing them where are the bodies going? do you actually see the flame attacking? im not saying that your wrong, im just trying to get more information.
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    I was at a LFS when i saw a hippo tang that had a very bad case of ich. I noted this to some friends that were with me and i guess the guy that was working heard me say "that fish has ich" and he told me all fish have ich even your fish at home have ich. I proceed to tell him that was not the...
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    How many fish can I have in a 32 gallon?

    I would say no to the mandrine goby these fish are notorious for not feeding well (they tend to eat only live prey) the others should be ok. as for the coral banded shrimp they only tend to be aggresive to there own kind.
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    cal/alk question????

    Im not sure how to link this for you but this web site has some good easy to understand fixes for most calcium and alk problems.
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    fish scratching

    Every time that i have had fish doing that it was ich, it takes some time for the white spots that are comon with ich to show up. The parasite will dig into the tissue then the area will turn white. Keep an eye out you will prolly see this take place quikly if it is ich. How long have they been...
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    fish disappearing

    That's what im thinking, sorry i have no good way to fix this problem other than what you are already doing. Does the angel attack the other fish during the day? Maybe there is something in the rocks that doesnt attack or move every night, you may need to go on a steakout several nights in a...
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    fish disappearing

    If the angel is the culprit (whats killing the other fish) i dont think that it would be eating them, you said that the fish were disappearing. It may be that you have a tag team, the angel is killing the fish and the shrimps and starfish are cleaning up.
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    fish disappearing

    bobt2, do you have another tank that you could move the angel into, you seem to be leaning toward the angel (no one knows your tank better than you). If it is the angel you could move him and see if the problem goes away. Just trying to give you an idea.
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    fish disappearing

    With the fish being wounded do think that this may be a failed attack? I would check for something coming from the live rock at night, you said that you have did the night watchman thing. How did you see into the tank without alerting the culprit? You may want to try again and use a red light if...
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    blue throat trigger

    I dont know what was different about today but he is eating everything that hits the water. I started with the shrimp soaked in garlic and now ITS ON! Im glad to,i was begining to get worried. Thanks for all the advice everyone.
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    blue throat trigger

    I have some seaweed selects green marine algae i could try that. I dont have any nori. He swims around the tank and digs in the sand but he always retuns to the power head. He is very skitsh, nervous acting. I think he prolly hasent been in an aquarium very long.
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    blue throat trigger

    I have some shrimp soaking in garlic now, was going to try this later or maybe tomorrow, as far as the quarantine tank goes i dont have one set up large enough to comfortably hold the trigger. He is really to large for any tank i have and setting up another may just cause a divorce, just kidding...