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  1. M


    lol, well thanks for all the help guys, i'll slowly work on getting the system back to where it should be.
  2. M


    Thanks for the info sid. Alot of my problems come from being new to the marine stuff, and alot of what I do now is a result of just being told "well that's what I've been doing" from the other employee here. Which is why I brought it up on the forums. I'll definitely take your advice, and...
  3. M


    Sweet, thanks for your help. I'll probably cut down to like a litre a day of phyto being that apparently most corals don't really benefit from it... and slow my feedings of cyclopeeze to once every 2-3 days (the exception being my turbinara, which i'll still feed daily) I'll see how it goes...
  4. M


    Well i started with this place about 2 months ago, (my own reefing experience only started about 4 months ago and i have a little biocube that does exceptionally well...) and as far as i know, this has been the way the tanks have been fed for the past 6 months. The tanks are all bare bottom...
  5. M


    Alright lol. I'll give the super huge rundown of the tank because i really want to get this stuff figured out. FEEDING TANK 1 mainly zoos, mushrooms, some flowerpots, the sun coral, blastamoussa, a couple carnations and some star polyps. We directly feed cyclopeeze to each suncoral polyp...
  6. M


    I'm a bundle of questions recently... But right now we're running a 1000g tank system. 1, 2, 3 are tanks, 4 is the sump, and imagine it all connected with plumbing... each tank is about 250 gallons. (my camera is gone... so i made this amazing drawing in paint...) But yeah... Right now we...
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    Silicone Repair

    As was said above: If the seams are breaking due to old age, then you should consider re-gluing the entire tank. Otherwise, when we get breaks in our seams, we just cut out the affected area with an scalpel or box cutter, then re apply the silicone, making sure to overlap the old stuff...
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    Recommended water changes.

    Hey. Currently we're running a 1000 gallon frag system. I'm trying to figure out the amount of water changes I should be doing in the system. Many people recommend a 20% change every 2 weeks. But that seems nearly unmanageable and extremely costly in my scenario. Other reef keepers I've...
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    Question regarding mushrooms

    Ah cool. Good to know for next time it happens :D
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    Question regarding mushrooms

    I had a fairly large mushroom in my tank near the front. Randomly one day I noticed that the "stalk"(?) had started to stretch and the mushrooms head was about an inch from the rock. As the days went on, it stretched and stretched until it was hanging by a thread of tissue about 8 inches long...
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    Dead fish that I cant get to

    A little bit of an update... One of the crabs i put in has already found a fish i couldnt see and is now enjoying the feast. I'm feeling better already.
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    Dead fish that I cant get to

    Alright, the casualties: a marine beta that was fairly large, 1-2 tangs, a large damsel, small (1-2 inch) blue fish (anywhere from 3-6 died), a couple small clowns. a few emerald crabs and shrimp were casualties as well. Survivors: a few large clowns made it, a couple blemies, a few little...
  13. M

    Dead fish that I cant get to

    Alright. So I take care of my Boss's reef tank. It's about 400 gallons blah blah and I'm still learning as I go. So last night after feeding, I plugged all the skimmers and pumps back in BUT... I forgot to open the pipe going from the sump into the tank. The tank went all night with just fan...
  14. M

    Regarding algae (i know...) (also fan heads)

    I'm currently running three 300 gallon tanks, they're bare bottom and just have coral in them and a tang in each tank, I'm having tons of algae problems it's growing on some of my corals, and on my acroporas and stuff... killing areas of them and i have to do emergency clippings... I know my...
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    Question Regarding Water Clarity and a new Tank.

    alright, cool. thanks for the help.
  16. M

    Question Regarding Water Clarity and a new Tank.

    Hey everyone, I just started my first Reef Tank yesterday and here are the stats: -Biocube 14g tank. -10-15 lbs of live rock. -2-3(?) lbs of sand -main fan is 137 gph (also a rotating head) -secondary fan on the side glass, (dont have the gph on hand) -as far as filtration, I hope that someone...