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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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    Pinched Mantle Research

    Well it has been a long time coming but here it is. After reading it, keep in mind that we have a large amount of documentation and other results but we wanted to get the official report out as soon as possible. This has been an on going project for us for 5+ years. We still have more work...
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    Derasa - Color Change

    Here is a good example of bleaching.
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    Derasa - Color Change

    Are you using tap water for top off? Best thing to do is think what you have changed later such as a different type of salt, new additives. If things were good prior the the change in the clam, then you might have to go back to where you were. But changes should be made slowly!! Did you add...
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    Derasa - Color Change

    My first thoughs after looking at the picture, would be "bleaching". The color of a clam comes from pigments in the zooxanthellae. Loss of the pigments. This can be caused by several things, increase in lighting or high temperature. With that being said, this can also be caused by under...
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    New To Clamming

    Please take the time to do some research prior to putting these awesome animals in your system. ;)
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    Cleaner Clams

    Agree with the above.
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    New To Clamming

    IME, they will not open up as much as larger one.
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    New To Clamming

    Some tridacnids will not open fully if they are in a high flow area. Good luck with your new baby.
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    Absent for a while

    Should have some ready to go by next week - end. Best to register for our newsletter so that way you will know what day they will be ready to go.
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    Absent for a while

    Got a LOT of catching up to do but in a month or so, I HOPE to get the PM repor out soon. Was asked to have it published in Aquarium Fish Magazine but I may just go with Wet Web Media since I know Bob Fenner.
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    Absent for a while

    Sorry I have been absent on this forum for a while due to illness in my family but hopefully things are on the mend. :) Let talk about clams!
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    my maxima clam

    If she is happy in the sand, then I would leave her there but might place a something just under the sand for her to grab on to. :)
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    My Clam Opening?!?!

    LOL, go slow on putting clams in your tank. :)
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    My Clam Opening?!?!

    Looking at the picture it appears to be close to a power head but I could be wrong.
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    My Clam Opening?!?!

    Yes they are a cool creature to be sure. If you purchase more, go show.
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    My Clam Opening?!?!

    It appears to be opened fine to me but sometimes some water movement will prevent it to open fully.
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    Need help to ID

    It is a Tridacna crocea.
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    New babies

    In nature, Tridacna crocea and maxima are rock dewelling creature where Tradanca derasa, squamosa and gigas are found on the substate. I have kept crocea and larger maxima on the substrate but normally place a flat rock or something just under the sand so that they can attach and not keep...
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    New babies

    Here are a few nice croceas.
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    RIP and Who Done It?

    Something had it for a snack. :evil: You might use a flashlight to see what is going on after lights go out. I did that a few years ago when I was having some problem like you discribe and a few hours after light went out, I used a fashlight and saw the biggest crab coming out of a LR that I...