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    Minimum clam size without supplemental feeds

    I totally agree with you Mike. :)
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    Excellent speech at IMAC!

    It was nice to meet people that I have corresponded with in the past as well as new people. I think Dennis put on a great IMAC this year and look forward to it next year! Glad that you enjoyed the presentation. :) THANKS! Am off this coming week-end to do another one in Salt Lake and have...
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    Pinched Mantle

    Mike, your memory is still sharp. :badgrin: Couldn't have explained it better myself. I totally agree with your thinking.
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    Pinched Mantle

    Barbie, Thanks so very much for the information you provided, it certainly make sense too me. When I strated using the metro, the marine lab that supplied me with it also suggested, water changes between dosages.
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    Pinched Mantle

    I think you will be fine. In our quarantine tanks we have no signs for 4 weeks now.
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    Pinched Mantle

    Update. We have had a lot of clams in quarantine since May 18th and happy to report no signs of PM. Hopefully the suppliers took us seriously and did what they had to do to prevent this parasite. :) Any one that has had trouble with PM in the past, I would recommend doing several water...
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    Pinched Mantle

    No new up dates but we haven't seen any PM in awhile so maybe the wholesalers/supplier have made some changes.
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    Pinched Mantle

    Steve, All clams are showing NO signs of PM. If in the area, please stop by and take a peek :) Have more clams coming in tonight from the same supplier that we have been using for the past month with no problems. They will be in quarantine till we get back from vacation on June 2nd.
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    hole developing in bottome of clam

    Hi Kyle, If you are referring the the byssal (footing) and if the damage doesn't cause an infection, then it should be fine. If you have the clam placed in the substrate, I would recommend placing a small flat rock under it to help protect the byssal and help it attach.
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    Pinched Mantle

    Thanks for the up date and also keep us informed. :)
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    Pinched Mantle

    Another theory after taking with Robert ( Bob ) Fenner, author of Reef Invertebrates. today regarding this topic. The protozaon could have been present for a long time but with stress of shipping and new environment may cause the same effect as ich on a fish. ANOTHER good reason to...
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    Pinched Mantle

    Updated report. All clams that we have had in the past month show no signs of PM after 10-14 quarantined but still at a little loss. I have seen on some other forums that some people are reporting their clams of having PM after a few days in their tanks. We are doing water samples every...
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    Pinched Mantle

    From what they told me, is that they sterized their holding tank and put in new substrate. HOPEFULLY this will solve the problem for the long run.
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    Pinched Mantle

    Nikki, Clams look awesome! :) I think maybe those suppliers got their act togeather after several emails and such. The clams that we have received these past few weeks show NO signs of PM !!! :D
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    Pinched Mantle

    The ones that we are receiving NOW, show NO sign of PM after 2 weeks in quarantine. Different supplier.
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    Pinched Mantle

    Travis, I feel we are in the clear now as far as the PM goes but am a little concerned that possible the protozaon might be present in some of the people tank water that has had this parasite in the past. :( The clams that we have on our site is from another supplier and after coming out of...
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    Pinched Mantle

    Nikki, They look so much better. And I now believe that croceas are not hardier than maximas because we had three in quarantine and non of them made it. :cry: Mine have not completely colored back up but there is not sign of PM. If all goes right, I have been invited to VietNam some time...
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    Pinched Mantle

    That seems to be in all the cases that I have heard, but I am sure some never noticed the sliming at first, only the PM.
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    Pinched Mantle

    hmmmmmmmmm :rolleyes:
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    Pinched Mantle

    We are very happy to report that our new croceas that have been in quarantine for 2 weeks and NO signs of PM. I know a few of the wholesalers in LA did replace their substrate and did some major cleaning :) After a little pronding from you know who. Have also been in contact with a few of the...