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  1. DonW

    camera questions and guide

    Its more important that the pixel density be optimized for the sensor size. To dense you go the other direction and induce noise. If you crop alot then yes you will see a difference between 10 and 20 mp but since properly framing your subject is photography 101 it shouldnt be an issue. Don
  2. DonW

    camera questions and guide

    No. Dont get caught up on MP. Way to long and drawn out to explain. Your probably looking at the cheapest canons listed. Search CL for a 40d and see whats there in your price range. Don
  3. DonW

    Congratulations to Cy and his wife!!!

    I'd like to offer my condolences, oops cant believe I actually typed that. :) But seriously congrats on your beautiful baby girl. Don
  4. DonW

    camera questions and guide

    No you dont need to spend alot more. For example BH photo has the t1i brand new for $650 shipped comes with everything you will need to get started in dslr photography. Canon online should have the refurbs for a little less and are the same kit. That camera is very good and will probably be more...
  5. DonW

    Killer Tank!

    Post all your testing results. Don
  6. DonW

    camera questions and guide

    First you need to decide what you want to take pictures of! I only have experience with canon and Leica. Any canon body will take good pictures. That said your budget will dictate what you buy unless you decide to wait and spend more money later. I wouldn't think your going to touch a macro lens...
  7. DonW

    Planing stages of "THE L"

    The rc totm is still online. Plentyof pics. Just google mojoreef tank of the month.
  8. DonW

    Planing stages of "THE L"

    His tank. Blew apart and washed him down the hill into the lake. Just kidding. I think there is still a thread called building the beast or something like that. Dec 2003 rc tank of the month. Don
  9. DonW


    I think there is more to it than time. I can remember when people were blasting their tanks with huge lights and just running them for an hour or so. There was also discussion about flash blasting light for 1000,s of a second. Don
  10. DonW


    There is more to a photo period than meets the eye. To long you botch up the second part of photosynthesis (photo inhabition). To short and ya mess with the first part of photosynthesis. I cant remember all the details but would be nice if we could get Mojo to elaborate. Don
  11. DonW

    CF card readers

    Seems like I have a uncommon issue. Maybe something is wrong with my computer or usb port. Don
  12. DonW

    CF card readers

    I dont know what the issue is. My SD card reader is 5 years old. CF die real quick. Camera shop says its the big file size and the nature of the beast, I have my doubts. They convinced me to buy all new high speed CF cards and a new reader but it lasted two months, the cards are fine but the...
  13. DonW

    CF card readers

    Here's a question for the camera junkies. What CF card reader would you suggest. Ive owned expensive ones and dirt cheap both only seem to last a month or two and die. I'd like to find one that will last awhile. Thanks Don
  14. DonW

    Where to find?

    You can get the forcep at any camera shop that still sells developing supplies like glazers in seattle.
  15. DonW

    Poll: What's Does Your Clean-up Crew Consist Of??

    My kids grew up and moved away so i have to do all cleaning myself.
  16. DonW

    RIP Khaosinc

    My deepest sympathies go out to this young mans family. I could never deal with a loss of a child. I hope that everyone is coping ok. Don wacker
  17. DonW

    some pics

    They look great as do the corals. Try to focus manually to see if that helps with the out of focus. Don
  18. DonW

    Water container recommendations?

    Close to the bottom. Here is my old ro container. Now its a trash can. :) Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
  19. DonW

    New guy still dry behind the ears.

    See what I mean. You dont want this sort of delusional BS floating around in your brain. Krish is our special moderator after that last bout of huffing skimmate he hasn't been right in the head.
  20. DonW

    Water container recommendations?

    I had no problem using uniseals on the big grey rubbermaid trash cans. Don