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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. aquarookie

    Identification: Anemone?

    It is possible that this IS a cold water anemone. Some cold water critters survive for quite a while in a tropical tank. They die prematurely but it takes them a while.
  2. aquarookie

    Starting a Nano Type Tank

    Yeah, lots of money! :lol: I would consider finding a good metal halide setup rather than PC's. I started out with PC's and they were fine, but ended up switching to halides even though I do not keep SPS. I even have halides over my freshwater planted tank. Regardless of what lights you...
  3. aquarookie

    Here is proof that I actually have a reef tank

    That's just a terrible picture of the blue carpet. The whole picture turned out brown :(
  4. aquarookie

    HELP!!! Copepod amphipod ASAP

    I totally agree. The mandarin will slowly starve if left in the tank.
  5. aquarookie

    ricordea mushrooms

    In my experience, florida ricordea can be cut in half like fly guy described, but I cut mine in half and it grew back together (go figure). I don't know if you can cut the ricordea in half and cut the rock with it to prevent it from happening... maybe mine was just a freak of nature and they...
  6. aquarookie

    Here is proof that I actually have a reef tank

    Eek, I should delete the middle picture, it looks dead and brown! All the greens, blues and oranges don't show up all that well under my "yellow" bulbs. Anyone want to let me borrow some actinics to see what it would look like? :)
  7. aquarookie

    Show me your carpet!

    Toby, those are very nice. I love the juicy green color! Is the last one a beadlet or waratah anemone by any chance? Where did you get it? FraggleRock, after reading my carpet torture story, you are actually asking ME about ricordea? Ha ha ha. Yes, I have had luck with them as well, and I...
  8. aquarookie

    Say Bye Bye To The Le Flatworm

    Yes, set up a pest tank!!!!! Those rule!!!! I wish I still had room for one of those... Maybe someday :)
  9. aquarookie

    diying fish

    Hmmm... I wonder if they have fish TB. My fish used to have it, and they would swim around all normal and then suddenly disappear (probably went behind a rock to die). I would love to see what other people have to say about this. If it is TB (which I am definitely NOT certain), it is...
  10. aquarookie

    Show me your carpet!

    I'll tell you how I take care of the carpet (just don't throw rocks at me afterwards). First, I made sure the store owner who sold it to me tore the living daylights out of its foot. Then I drove home, which took 2 hours in traffic. Then I stuck it in a 10 gallon tank with a 13 watt NO light...
  11. aquarookie

    Here is proof that I actually have a reef tank

    You mean "another carpet and another 30 gal refuge". Hee hee hee
  12. aquarookie

    Show me your carpet!

    Ah, but of course... my future carpet maybe? :)
  13. aquarookie

    Show me your carpet!

    Ha ha Mike, I just KNEW that somebody would do that! I guess it might as well be you :lol:
  14. aquarookie

    Here is proof that I actually have a reef tank

    Hi folks! I realized I haven't really posted pictures of my tank here. Well, here is the 54 corner bow front which used to house my little reef but has been converted to freshwater, as well as my current 125 gallon reef (sorry about the lousy quality) and the current pic of the 54 corner bow...
  15. aquarookie

    Show me your carpet!

    By the way, other anemones are welcome here (Carpets just happen to be my favorite) :).
  16. aquarookie

    Show me your carpet!

    I don't know if this thread should be here or in the pictures forum, but here you go, this is my "baby" :D
  17. aquarookie

    green water

    Isn't green water good for Rotifers? You could start breeding clowns! :lol: On a more serious note, I would keep using IO salt, too many people I know switched to Reef Crystals or other salts and had weird things happen to their tanks...
  18. aquarookie

    how to look for a breeder

    Gabby, you have 2 little kids AND you want a puppy?! I KNEW there was something wrong with you! :lol: :lol: :lol: Just kidding of course! :D I have 2 little kids and I got a puppy and oh boy, I wish I could go back in time and NOT get the puppy! But oh well, he'll only live for 15 years...
  19. aquarookie

    Filterless aquarium systems?

    Berlin method RULES!! :D
  20. aquarookie

    Member of the Month - January 2008

    Congratulations! :)