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Designer Reef
Aug 22, 2007
Not more than 5 minutes ago, my Kole Tang was swimming around, pecking at rocks, acting completely normal, and the next second there was a little splash and he turned white and was on it's side. Now he is barley alive swimming behind a rock. No other fish was around him, and the weird thing is, that the same thing happened to my trigger last week, who died. They are doing fine, and then at a blink of an eye, they are on their death bed. HELP!!
Hmmm... I wonder if they have fish TB. My fish used to have it, and they would swim around all normal and then suddenly disappear (probably went behind a rock to die). I would love to see what other people have to say about this. If it is TB (which I am definitely NOT certain), it is treatable with antibiotics (I used Kanamycin apparently successfully). Hope you figure this out... Good luck!
What other fish and or any living animals are in your tank? How long had tank? What additions live rock or anything recientely? How long have you had you tang and trigger?
What other fish and or any living animals are in your tank?
How long had tank?
What additions live rock or anything recently?
How long have you had you tang and trigger?
I have two clowns that live in a rose tip, 3 chromis', nox angle, orange spot rabbit, kole tang. The tank is a 180g w/ 100g sump, which I transfered over from my 55g about 4 months ago. I've had the tang for about 2 months and the trigger only lasted about 2 weeks. I added some rock to the tank about 4 weeks ago and that's really about it. After whatever happens they completely act and go crazy.
I don't think it's fish tb either, because they had none of the symptoms that relate to that. They were perfectly fine...and then ????
I would be specious of your new live rock and some kind of predator. Although it would take one heck of a predator to kill a trigger, and a kole tang is not much of a slouch ether.

Do you notice any clacking sounds? I wonder if something like a mantis shrimp could do this type of damage? I don't really know.
I don't hear any noise at all, but both times, it's been on the same side of the tank. What the hell!
Have you checked all your params. If those seem good maybe check around after your lights are off for a while and see if you can spot any type of predator lurking around like azgard1 said. just a thought :)
All that I saw was one pretty good size bristly worm...which I haven't spotted before, but I don't think that would be the culprit.
MY guess is your anemone did it, my small (4") GBTA took out a Naso Tang and a Spotted Mandarin within 2 days.

That's what I thought with the trigger, but when it's happening, they are on the other side of the tank...not even close to the anemone, and in my tank thats like 5 feet away.
do you have one of those multitester meters that can test for ohms, dc volts, ac volts? select ac on the meter. put the black probe to ground outlet and the red inside your tank. becareful not to drip water on the black ground when your done testing. if you see any voltage, somethings leaking voltage into the aquarium. sometimes its usually a pump. you can get one of those ground probes at your local pet store.
looks like this
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If something is leaking, do you go through and eliminate them one by one until you find the source, or just connect the graound probe?
If something is leaking, do you go through and eliminate them one by one until you find the source, or just connect the graound probe?

exactly, eliminate first then the grounding probe will help as a backup in case of any future mishaps.
or if you dont have a tester, and have a bad cuticle or cut in the hand, stick your hand in the water, if you feel a tingling sensation around the cut, then yep, you have voltage in your aqaurium. just joking...
Another "stranger than not" possibility is one of your tank inhabitants isn't the happiest with its new additions, and chases it around the tank. In that being chased, the new addition jumps up out of the water, only to bounce up against a very hot Metal Halide bulb, which burns it severly.

Easy enough to check for this... look at your bulbs (if you do have Metal Halide bulbs, that is), and see if there is any discoloration on the bulb's lower section.
About the cut, that's funny becasue I had one on my hand about a week ago and I felt the tingle, very slightly, but I still felt it. So I almost know that's the culprit! I'm gonna test and see, but I'm putting my money on that.