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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. vwmoneypit

    Proper sump size for a 130gal

    So part of what I look at when we're talking about what's big enough for underneath is what your final plan is do you want to have an area for frags you need to make sure you have an area for cheito and all sorts of other different things like substrate Rock Etc you need to really concentrate on...
  2. vwmoneypit

    Excited and jumping back into the hobby Spokane people in nearby help

    Hello and good afternoon hobbyists well after years of being out of it actually on side note I did have a freshwater Reef ready tank for a little while enough of that silliness I'm starting a new 55 gallon with a 30 gallon refugium sump below still lots of drilling have ordered some small parts...
  3. vwmoneypit

    funky weird sluck

    So I have made a big change:yo: ..switched tanks from the worst design ever 50 gl bow to a 1970 1/4 thick 55 gl long. anyways It was need for flow and better rock scape..I currently haha have a 1800 and 900 mag flowing thru for overflo to sump 2 400 power heads and a 1200 mod kit style power...
  4. vwmoneypit

    The last episode of TANKED!

    it's true guys just t.v good or bad. behinds scenes like i said b4 just about rating thats it..and think if u made 70% on your tanks installed ..u would just say o.k and smile its the job..bottom line is the dollar not the product..I think they generally to see tanks prosper....they...
  5. vwmoneypit

    The last episode of TANKED!

    recorded it will let u far this is more a ratings show than any thing...:second:
  6. vwmoneypit

    local custom glass tanks

    Building a tanks is easy just have to remember the funny mentals of glue/sillycone.... So u do base(bottom)then rear.sides front.then front. I allways perferr gusset corner pieces too then a center as well..
  7. vwmoneypit

    Sump tank swap over

    Yeah i agree I did a 55 gal with a 30 gallon sump swap to a 55 gal sump and a 125 tank. what i did is do the swap added the new sand in lightly rinsed the old sand dumped it in put a small pump in there till it cleared up the restarted the system. the more u can reuse with a light rinse the...
  8. vwmoneypit

    Fixing a 90 gl bow

    So its been sometime since i have been on here long story none the less but well it is time to start another tank so here we go.I had a frien move back up here from boise well his tank didnt make it lets say. the back craked not all the way but from the bulk heads down...:rolleyes:.So he was...
  9. vwmoneypit

    GSP perma pizzed.

    huh i lost a rock of them from a sponge that got crushed when i moved them .welp have plenty to give away on a frag rack if over this way
  10. vwmoneypit

    What is this and is there a way to get rid of it?

    ahh so thats what took out my 6-8 of them that were over 50 cent piece big..i had bad alk at time too that sucks hope u catch it in time,.
  11. vwmoneypit

    Tank turned 41 years old

    Well just remember u must be a fighter to make it this long with a tank and in life.I look at everyday and all the "things" thrown at me to deal with as a challenge.If i can make it 5 yrs without crashing and giving up on this or my life.I can do anything...l.o.l. Kep your head up and enjoy that...
  12. vwmoneypit

    Tank turned 41 years old

    wow .I know when times I say to myself."just sell it bag this get a garage",I remember If he can do it for this long soo can I ,Just wish I was closer to ocean.Happy tank day!
  13. vwmoneypit

    need I.D. please

    So is it just a species that over time will just appear?I know for many years this rock was a supporting rock under many others and just about 8-9 months ago i maDE it the piece where it is now.I mean If this is algea it is the prettiest i have ever seen!
  14. vwmoneypit

    need I.D. please

    hey guys and gals I was watching it today !It has doubled in size and gueeees what>It is a soft tissue .hmmmmmmmmmmm wierd now even my guesses are offf.Yep when the rk1 switched pumps it started to move around in the current .let hope some more pics when bigger and (MIKES) research find...
  15. vwmoneypit

    need I.D. please

    yeak like sheesh back in like 04-05 ish? and yes from kevins
  16. vwmoneypit

    need I.D. please

  17. vwmoneypit

    need I.D. please

    So just noticed this today.I have had this rock since second day i started the tank approx 2 weeks before i started on here now this is growing on here my guess is a cap of some pretty sorts? YOURS?
  18. vwmoneypit

    i want to start a reef tank

    wow allot said there..U will love having a Reef tank..dont get overwhelmed either, take your time dont rush it..U are on the best site to learn with pleanty of good help and advise here.If u cant find it here.u dont need to have a tank...And remember.What kind of time do u have to maintain it...
  19. vwmoneypit

    55 gallon lighting

    I have to agree with Mike.I too have tried allot of diff lighting. Form the begining.What mike is talking about by "overdriving"Will make the bulb run at 110% effecientcy.(not spelt right) And give u your money worth.And the parts and cheap and plentyfull if need .Be.I started with a 55 as well...
  20. vwmoneypit

    How far have u went to keep out heat.

    Yeah I do have a 1/4 hp prime chiller and a huge kenmore 1500 sqr foot a/c unit in wall but if u look at pics of my tank it rests in my bedroom so that room is easly 10-15 dergees hotter.So I AM ducting 90% of that heat and moisture outside I should be done with it by fri I will let u know how...