How far have u went to keep out heat.

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one larg lps
Dec 20, 2005
spokane w.a
So i decided to get up early and DO the "project" ..So what I did is I got a 65 sqr ft bathroom fan and installed it right above the tank..l.o.l. I then I am going to icoboard around the top of the tank to keep the radiant heat and light expousure out.allread toasted the nice blind off to the left of tank.SO that was my project.And yes for those wondering I plumbed the fan thru the atic to a gable vent...We will see the difference in a day or so..I hope.And I also plugged it into the RK to a temp setting.I may switch to a time setting later!:rolleyes:
sounds like it might be time for a chiller?

Ive done a bunch of diffrent things to combat heat... Mainly fans on controllers. but Room temperature control as well
I just put in a 12K BTU LG window AC unit. House was 75F on that 100+ day. Cool tank, cool wife and baby.
tank temp OK, it was inside the house that was uncomfortable (85-90) combat it, we took fri-sun and spent it in a hotel, (as a lot of other people did).
Yeah I do have a 1/4 hp prime chiller and a huge kenmore 1500 sqr foot a/c unit in wall but if u look at pics of my tank it rests in my bedroom so that room is easly 10-15 dergees hotter.So I AM ducting 90% of that heat and moisture outside I should be done with it by fri I will let u know how it does!

Ive come to the conclustion that i like the Ge's better then the lg's but

You guys really need to get some window units in the bassment for this situATION
How far have u went to keep out heat.
I put my chiller on line. It's an Aqualogic 1/5 hp deal. Keeps the tank at a steady 79-80, and it's not too noisy for a chiller; but I only run it in the summer because it's noisy enough to make me have to turn the TV up.
So, I guess the answer is- I turned the TV up.
BUt no, I've never cut holes in solid parts of my house to accommodate cooling the tank.

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