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  1. colin779

    And Now I Wait

    Did you take out that rubber gasket that goes on the outside of the tank? I noticed that it said if you're using the 3/4 setting to not install that piece. Not sure what that would do for noise though?
  2. colin779

    And Now I Wait

    I did manage to win the battle with the clowns on Saturday. Ended up having to catch the female in the net and just let her float in the corner... It was a little bit of a battle until that point... Haha =) Picked up the pump yesterday and got it installed. Was pretty easy to set up, and it...
  3. colin779

    And Now I Wait

    Haha, the clowns are totally relevant, I have to get myself ready for the carnage tomorrow =)
  4. colin779

    And Now I Wait

    I'm glad I'm not the only one with aggressive clown fish. Mine get a little yelling at every once in a while also, my wife usually just shakes here head at me... Maybe I'll find some thick rubber gloves??
  5. colin779

    And Now I Wait

    Mine are the same way, i usually have to have a net or something in my other hand to run distraction while i am doing whatever it is that needs to be done. She used to be like that, then she got flicked a couple times now she leaves me alone unless im near their house. That would be incredible...
  6. colin779

    And Now I Wait

    Seems like the noise is the only thing i ever hear people complain about with them. Most times it seems as though its alignment issues or sometimes a bearing. I hear they have very good customer service (for a $465 powerhead they better... hah) so that's a plus. Noise isn't a huge deal for me...
  7. colin779

    And Now I Wait

    Ordered my MP40 yesterday, should arrive Monday. Hopefully it's awesome and takes care of some of my flow issues. :whoo:
  8. colin779

    Question about adding sand

    When I had sand in my tank (90 gallon) I had a layer that was about 1 - 1 1/2 inches deep. What i used to clean my sand was basically a gravel cleaner, the siphon hose with the big round thing on the end you just plunge into the sand. That worked pretty well but i eventually got tired of...
  9. colin779

    Crazy Question: Anyone never test their water?

    I don't test often either. My tank is a 90, its been set up about 3 years now (previous tank was 29 and was set up about 3 years as well). My tank is a mixed reef, probably more SPS than anything else. Water changes are usually done weekly though, and my skimmer is very good. Salinity is...
  10. colin779

    55 with wet dry! next thing to get!

    The skimmer will be way better for you than the uv sterilizer =)
  11. colin779

    Got Lucky Today (minds out of the gutter please.... hah)

    That's pretty rough, sorry =( What size tank and what size heaters do you use now? Wish i had the funds for a controller, someday maybe =) For now i'm going to go with the two lower power heater method vs the one higher wattage one. I'm not sure how hot a 250 watt heater could have gotten...
  12. colin779

    Got Lucky Today (minds out of the gutter please.... hah)

    Everything seems to be ok =) Tank was actually at 78 when I got home. Like Lorrie mentioned, always happens when you aren't home.... I have a buddy about half a mile from me who had a spare heater I was able to borrow so I can now spend the $40 on something better online than I probably would...
  13. colin779

    Got Lucky Today (minds out of the gutter please.... hah)

    I was home at lunch today and was waiting for some pizza to re-heat in the microwave. Was looking over at the tank wondering what the temp was since the house gets a little colder during the day now. Just wanted to make sure my heater was keeping up. Walked over and looked at the thermometer, it...
  14. colin779

    Coral Bleaching

    Also, welcome to Reef Frontiers! Feel free to ask away, you'll find answers to anything you can think of so ask away! =)
  15. colin779

    Coral Bleaching

    The water from the grocery store could be run through an RO system, but there's no telling the quality of the water. I tried the tap water and prime thing for a few months, didn't have any issues with it myself, but the water quality here is already excellent. In the end I purchased a RO...
  16. colin779

    question about lighting

    I agree with Senji, contact oceans by design or rapidled if you prefer the DIY method. I used rapid and have been very happy.
  17. colin779

    Skimmer only filtration

    My 90 does have a sump and the skimmer sits in it, but that skimmer is the only filtration I have on the tank. My 20, and then 29 were the same way, except that they had a HOB skimmer. My 90 has been up and running for 3 years now.
  18. colin779

    Hippo Tang Died

    Thanks everyone =) Pretty bummed, just wish I knew what happened more than anything. Yea, same food as always. Pretty bummed, I've had my six line wrasse about the same amount of time. I think I'm going to ask at my lfs next time I'm down there were most of his fish come from. The captive...
  19. colin779

    Hippo Tang Died

    Very strange, I've had the fish since it was the size of a nickel (about 4 years). Seemed perfectly healthy, ate earlier this afternoon. Walked past the tank this evening and he or she was stuck between a couple rocks and not moving. There wasn't any signs of anything strange or any wounds on...
  20. colin779

    Led help

    I'm going to re-read that article again tonight so i make sure everything soaks in well =) From what i gathered the first time through is that with the red spectrum there's really only a small portion of if that corals use and its mostly something plants require. But, it also says that a lot of...