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  1. S

    Tunze Nano Streams

    Yeah. I read about the nanostreams and my face did this :D Then I got the email and my face did :(
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    Tunze Nano Streams

    I emailed Tunze awhile back asking about the Nanostreams. Here is the reply I got: This product will not be out until December, Interzoo is a an industry trade show where companies show their new concepts- much like the Detroit Motor Show, the prototype shown was the only one in existance...
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    Stick Clown Fish

    Well the second clown had a little mark on his side when I got home last night. So they both went into the QT for treatment. I think I found what was causing the wounds. It seems the coral beauty angel gets pretty aggressive around feeding time. I watched it fight with the clowns last night...
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    Stick Clown Fish

    I have tried feeding the frozen formula I & II, the fish show no interest in it, even tried the garlic attractant juice. Also tried mysis shrimp, the clowns will take but the angle just ignores them. I've even tried to attach the formula II to a small piece of rock and letting the fish graze...
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    Stick Clown Fish

    There is no redness at all. I change 3-5gal every week, I'll get some water mixed up to do more than that. I don't have any Maracyn II on hand but I will pick up some tonight. The fish eat Ocean Nutrition flake food daily. I alternate between the reef mix and formula II. I was going to cut...
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    Stick Clown Fish

    The tank is a 37g with a 15g sump, in which water changes happen weekly. There is the one other clown in the tank, a small angle, a bubble coral in which the clowns host, a brain coral, couple of sps' and some zoas. I would say "cotton ball that's been frayed" is exactly what it looks like...
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    Stick Clown Fish

    No other fish are sick. I can set up a QT tomorrow night. I've had them for about 2 months. Yes it is a reef tank, there are inverts in the tank. I'd like to get a pic but the batt. charge for my camera is broken and the new one won't be here until next week. I've looked at the other fish...
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    Stick Clown Fish

    I have a pair of tank raised true percula clowns. One of them has a cream/white colored fuzz growing on the sides of his head. It fuzz goes right along his front strip on one side and there is just a small dot on the other side, he hasn't ate for the past two days. The tank water is parameters...
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    Feather Duster Attached to Coral

    I have a feather duster that seems to be attached to the base of one of my brain corals. You can only see the tip of the tube sticking out at night when the brain coral has closed up. I want to move the feather duster out from over the brain coral. If the tube is attached to the base of the...
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    Safety Tips for Handling Zoas

    Heya, My first Zoa rocks is on it way to me as I type this (my GF insisted on ordering them.) I know they can be very toxic (omg, maybe she is trying to poison me!), but that is about all I know. What are proper ways of handling them when putting them in the tank/moving the rock they are on...
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    Mixing Anemones with LPS

    I have a 37g that hosts a few LPS corals, some mushrooms and a pair of clowns. I've read that anemones will move around and sting corals so I had ruled them as an addition to my tank. Lately I've seen pictures of tanks having LPS and anemones kept together. It seems possible, but is it worth...
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    Hello All, I have a question

    How much noise do those oceans motions make while they are running?
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    Fish Selection for 37g

    I have a 37g cube with a 15 gal sump, using natural filtration along with a protein skimmer. The tank has been running for awhile now and doing real well with the mushroom and corals that are in it. I was wondering about the number of fish that would be appropriate to keep. I talked to the LFS...
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    Small Animals on the Glass

    Thanks for the replies. I'd say this is a prefect description "Harpacticoids are "epibenthic", meaning that they spend part of their life cycle or time during the day on the bottom or clinging to a surface. Their antennae are much shorter than their body length and they look like little...
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    Small Animals on the Glass

    My tank is still cycling, right now it is going through a pretty nasty algae bloom. I was looking real close last night and there are little white animals all over the glass. They very, very small, like smaller than a pinhead and oval shaped. It seems like they may be eating the algae because...
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    Clean-up Crew for 37g

    It kinda seemed like a lot. I guess I will keep shopping around. Thanks everyone.
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    Clean-up Crew for 37g

    Hi, My 37g (with 15gal sump) tank is just about finished cycling and I've started shopping around for a clean-up crew package. I package I'm considering is from an online vendor and contains: Scarlet Hermit Crab: 10 Blueleg Hermit Crab: 10 Nasssarius Snail: 10 Brittle Star: 2 Coral Banded...