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  1. Scottd

    ID on this tang....

    There are lines along the body and 1 dark spot between the tail and top fin. I thought it may be a Tomini too but I only paid $24.00 for him, I've noticed Tomini's have spots on both the top and bottom fins by the tail. It would be cool if it was : )
  2. Scottd

    ID on this tang....

    Yes mine is just a lighter version :) I am trying to find out more info, such as how big it will get etc. Mine is also all over the tank and bothers no one. He does spat with the other 2 Tangs (Sailfin & Atlantic Blue) but its really nothing as they all hang out together and I think its just a...
  3. Scottd

    Do all Wrasses do this...

    Doesn't stop moving, same as my juvenille Atlantic Blue, can't catch that turkey in a picture! So I have been resorting to video and removing the frames.
  4. Scottd

    Do all Wrasses do this...

    Ok not the best movie but I got him glowing yellow
  5. Scottd

    ID on this tang....

    Well I picked this guy up over month ago and it looks like it may be going through a color change. It was labeled as a Bristoltooth Tang. Anyone know anything about them.
  6. Scottd

    Do all Wrasses do this...

    I'll try again Thursday didn't get one today : )
  7. Scottd

    Do all Wrasses do this...

    I read somewhere that wrasses make a cocoon to sleep in at night. Just wondering if thats all wrasses. I have a Lubbocks that makes its fins and around its eyes glow yellow when it is showing off. Very strange I am gonna try to get it on video because its wild. Scott
  8. Scottd

    My new Atlantic Blue

    I found a bit about them and he mentioned to move them by the overflow and use carbon (which I do). Mine are at the top in the middle and by the overflows. That is very interesting I have never heard that before and everything I have ever read mentions nothing about them being toxic. About the...
  9. Scottd

    Holiday Wish

    Don't shake hands with a bristol worm! Happy Thanksgiving!
  10. Scottd

    My new Atlantic Blue

    Here is a shot of some of the tank, still figuring out this camera the bottom one is just about there.
  11. Scottd

    My new Atlantic Blue

    I beg to differ! LOL The person I get my advice from these days has not ever led me wrong and Never tried to sell me anything that I did not need just to make a buck, a class act in my book!!!! Scott
  12. Scottd

    My new Atlantic Blue

    He's real small just a bit larger than a quarter. I had another one, heres a picture. Unfortunately when I set up my 180 he got stressed out and did not make it. He was a great fish!
  13. Scottd

    My new Atlantic Blue

    Well I finally got another one! My favorite tang. Just got him today now I gotta fatten him up a bit : ) Scott