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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. N

    MH Lights

    Thanks for the link
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    MH Lights

    Yes I have 2 on one ballast and the other on a ballast by it self. the bulb that is yellow is on the double ballast with another light.
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    MH Lights

    I am running 3, 250w MH lights, all are XM-10,000K and are fairly new say 3 months old. 2 of them are crisp white one cast off a yellow tint, this was also the case before I changed the bulbs, could this be something going wrong with the ballast? Any ideas would help.
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    GEO Calcium Reactor

    Geo Reactor I have about 25 SPS in tank with 125lbs LR, it's a 180AGA with a 40 gallon sump/refugium. I set the reactor to what the directions said now I will turn down BPM's to about 40 and re-test starting from there. Thanks
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    GEO Calcium Reactor

    I have a Geo 618 calcium reactor that I can't seem to get dailed in. My BPM is around 90-100, with effluent drip rate at 50mil per minute. My effluent alk test at 13 and ph at 7.5. I cannot keep my ph stable in the tank, i am adding buffer every other day, yesterday it got down to 7.91. I have...
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    Stomatella Varia

    Thanks for the advice
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    Stomatella Varia

    These little critters have shown up in what seems like overnight. I must have hundreds of them. Is the a natural predator besides man that could help maintain this population explosion. I know they eat algae and they are probably good but at night my glass is covered with these snails. What is...
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    Refugium Help

    I just finish building a new sump, modeled after type F on with the intake on one end refugium on other end and return in the middle and want to set it up with a refugium, my question is what is the minimal amount of lighting, what type of lighting, and what is the best type of...
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    Water Topoff System

    I made a water topoff system but when the pump stops the water keeps siphoning thereby flooding my sump. Unfortunally, my display tank is in the basement and I can't get the resevior any lower. Will a solenoid valve solve this problem or does anybody know of a brand of a topoff system that will...
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    Highn Alkanity

    High Alkanity Thanks for the info
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    Highn Alkanity

    Did a water change Friday the 4th and now I have alk at dkh of 17, ca at 390 rising it slowly dripping kalk, ph at 8.3, any suggestion as to how to get alk down without affecting ph and ca much. Never been able to get it down below 11 dkh.
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    SPS Turning White

    180 Gallon Tank, no all I have are frags, tank been up for about 7 years, started my own company and didn't have time for it, now I am starting anew with frags. Other frags do not seem to have this problem. MH 3, 250 watt bulbs, about 6 months old, approx 18" above corals. the corals in question...
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    SPS Turning White

    At the base of several SPS corals the bases are turning white, like bleaching white. I have cut the infected portions off twice but the problem keeps coming back. Mainly on an acropora and stylopora. These were frags to begin with so I don't have much left to work with after clipping them twice...
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    Acro not opening

    Yes it is typo, it is kept at 79f , test all show nitrites, nitrates, ph, calcium, mag all to be okay. I am using topic marin test kits, with ph, temp and orp probes,
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    Acro not opening

    I feed the tank with Cycopese, marine swow. Run Aqua-C skimmer constantly, As for fish a Purple Tang, a coral beauty, 2 blue damsel, 2 clowns, 2 cleaner shrimps
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    Acro not opening

    I have a 1800 GPH return pump from sump with 2 1200Gph powerheads. My tank is 180 gal. Coloration looks good, my lighting is 750 watts MH, with 2 160 watt VHO's. i don't think lighting is an issue. Flow maybe
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    White mucus

    I have a white mucus/spider web type subsatnce growing on some LR. It resembles a thick looking spider web and has what appears to be some type of trunicate shaped sprouts coming out of it. LR been in tank for seven years and have never seen this before. Any ideas what this could be and is it...
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    Acro not opening

    I have about 4 different types of acro's and none of them are opening their polyps fully. They have been in the tank for about 2 months, water parameters are kept at 1.027 salanity, temp 89F, calcuim always betweem 400-450ppm, mag at 1380, I have moved them up, down and sideways in the tank...
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    I have a brown fungus eating away my Gionapora, throught it was brown jelly. I have dipped it in a iodine solution and fresh water bath but nothing seemto be slowing it down. Any suggestions as to what this may be and how to cure it. Doesn't seem to be affecting anything else in tank.