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  1. mattleycrue76

    Cold Water Tank?

    Thanks for the info. Steve's tanks do look amazing indeed. Does anyone know if there are any regulations governing the collection of critters here in WA? One of the reasons I'm interested in this is that I am an avid SCUBA diver and stocking the tanks would seem to be easy and not real...
  2. mattleycrue76

    Cold Water Tank?

    Hi everyone, I have been away from this board for a while but still have my 75g reef tank (It's been about 3 years now) and I've learned alot about what I would/wouldn't do if i had it all to do over again. Anyway, lately I have been thinking more and more about trying to set up a cold water...
  3. mattleycrue76

    moving livestock from a 90g to a 29g temporarily?

    What I think is that you've obviously been infected. You should just be honest with yourself and realize that you might as well keep the 90g as a reef tank since that's wahat it's gonna end up being anyway.:p Resistance is futile. In a little while the only fresh water you're gonna care about...
  4. mattleycrue76

    If i break my LR in half(will my cycle start over?)

    No it won't. Cycles are started by decaying organic matter. As long as the rock isn't out of the water for a long time it will have no effect.
  5. mattleycrue76

    Emerald Crab and Bryopsis

    My Bryopsis is in remission after dosing Kent Tech M. There are a quite a few threads about this method and it seems to have worked for alot of people.
  6. mattleycrue76

    No sick fish Ich treatment

    This is precisely why I didn't post about this for so long. All I could find on the internet was a bunch of "experts" or people quoting "experts" that would give every reason in the book as to why it couldn't work. Sometimes the most experienced people are just that - experienced. They've tried...
  7. mattleycrue76

    No sick fish Ich treatment

    yes it's called "No Sick Fish" Did you have corals and inverts in your tank when you dosed?
  8. mattleycrue76

    ICH I beleive

    hmm I wonder if he was referring to this?
  9. mattleycrue76

    No sick fish Ich treatment

    Well I haven't been on the boards in a while so I thought I'd take the oportunity to share my experience with others on this topic. Disclaimer: This is just my own personal experience in ONE single case so in no way can it be called representative of anything I started my tank a little over a...
  10. mattleycrue76

    How much weight can my floor support?

    Or unless your house has wheels..... :p
  11. mattleycrue76

    Hitchhiker question...

    Boy I missed the part about the tank being a pico. If he lives you're gonna have an excuse for a bigger tank:)
  12. mattleycrue76

    Hitchhiker question...

    I'd try to feed him and keep him alive. If he survives and grows he might pose a problem to other tank inmates or try to escape but that's a bridge you can cross when you get to it. I love octos ( especially the giant ones in the sound)
  13. mattleycrue76

    Coraline algae

    Arrgh I too used to want more coraline. Now I curse it everytime I have to clean my tank.
  14. mattleycrue76

    barrier reef visit

    They are a very good LFS indeed. And welcome to RF!
  15. mattleycrue76

    Hi Guys

    Welcome to the boards. Make sure you post some pics when you get started.
  16. mattleycrue76

    Bryopsis/Kent Tech M Question

    Yeah I'm quite proficient with kalkpaste and a syringe. Unfortunately I know for a fact that there are some in places I can't get to so they'll always be able to reproduce. I tried some peppermints but they didn't make it. One even jumped into the overflow. I don't think they got along with the...
  17. mattleycrue76

    Bryopsis/Kent Tech M Question

    Thanks for the encouragement Jeff I'm gonna do that for now, just raise the levels a little at a time over a few weeks. I am basically learning that VERY porous live rock is a good thing IF you don't have Bryopsis, Aiptasia, or Mojanos. If you do (I have all three) its your worst nightmare...
  18. mattleycrue76

    how many gallons do we have

    Salsaking and bct182 could sure give this thread a good bump
  19. mattleycrue76

    Bryopsis/Kent Tech M Question

    Wow, the more I read this the more I want to use this as an excuse for a tank upgrade and start over. Sadly my current financial situation won't allow for this so: For now my hopes are on Kent tech M
  20. mattleycrue76

    Whats your favorite LFS ?

    Update: I was just at ARSA a few days ago and they are really stepping up their game in the coral dept. Hopefully the competition between them and BR will keep making both stores better :D