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  1. J

    Scooter Goby or Firefish+ Anemone=???

    I purchased a little minimaxi carpet anemone and found my engineer goby being eaten by him. It was too late to rescue him. He was swimming/eating/looking fine the day before. I have three other gobies that hang out at the bottom of the tank and am hoping it was just a fluke. My aurora goby's...
  2. J

    would like help to ID fish

    Haven't seen the fish since the blue tang chased him around the tank. Either he found a good hiding place or the tang did him in. I don't know what to think about him not knowing what it was. He seems to have an incredible knowledge bank on all things saltwater. Maybe he has never seen this...
  3. J

    would like help to ID fish

    I have the one by Michael. The fish is in the book but what I didn't realize is that the juvenile is black (what I have) and the turn orange as adults. It seems odd to me that the lfs would sell such a fish
  4. J

    would like help to ID fish

    So, I think I have a positive id. I am reasonably sure it is a sabertooth blenny. Doubt that I could catch him in my reef. My blue tang seems to be on a mission to kill him. Maybe that will solve the problem. Another expensive lesson. Ouch
  5. J

    would like help to ID fish

    oh, no, what have I done? Went back to the lfs today and gave in to the temptation to buy a fish I couldn't id. After much searching on line I am afraid it might be a sabertooth blenny. I watched him in the tank at the lfs. He was very active, not bothering other fish and not hiding. First...
  6. J

    what the heck is this?

    I took pics but couldn't get close enough to see what it was
  7. J

    would like help to ID fish

    sankeyi dottyback looks just like it in some pics but the description says the stripes are white. If the stripes were neon blue that would be it. Shape of the mouth makes me think likely it is some variety of dottyback and I will pass to keep peace in my tank.
  8. J

    would like help to ID fish

    looked at pics of sharknose goby. I don't think that's it. The stripes are thinner and more defined and no trace of yellow
  9. J

    would like help to ID fish

    It's about 3 to 4 inches long
  10. J

    would like help to ID fish

    three to four inches
  11. J

    would like help to ID fish

    LFS got a shipment today. There was a fish I really wanted but couldn't buy without knowing what I was getting and how to care for it....or if it would be too aggressive for my tank. I first thought it was a goby. Long, slender, eel like appearance. It was black with two bright neon blue...
  12. J

    what the heck is this?

    That's what I meant. Not the egglike things lining the hole, but the creature in the hole.
  13. J

    what the heck is this?

    Thanks. I was wondering about that. The numerous bubbles that lined the hole seemed to flatten down or mostly disintegrate or deflate then reappeared a few hours later. I tried to lure it out with a piece of shrimp. I will have to try to get a look with a flashlight while the lights are out...
  14. J

    what the heck is this?

    Yesterday I noticed a hole in my live rock that was lined with what I thought looked like some kind of eggs. Tiny pale bluish green bubbles that look like the tips of frog spawn. This morning I saw something moving in that hole. It didn't come far enough out to really see it and retreated...
  15. J

    What to do With a Wrasse

    I had a six line that killed anything new I put in the tank so I finally went fishing. :( It's so nice now to have a peaceful tank with (so far) no bullies.
  16. J

    13 years and still a beginner

    tried to take pics but it is way too small even with zoom. While trying to get pics I noticed one head on my frog spawn is disintegrating. I'll take my water in for a check tomorrow
  17. J

    13 years and still a beginner

    kind of, but a little more symmetrical growth pattern with the center being more flat and all spines coming from the center and look like deer antlers in a tangle
  18. J

    13 years and still a beginner

    So maybe I'm a slow much to learn. I have a 95gal wave. Found something in my tank today I can't ID. It looks like pics I've seen of birds nest coral. Very tiny, though, between the size of a pea and the size of a cranberry, though not as round. I would estimate it to be 1cm...