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  1. L

    Cleaning tough stains from glass

    I've tried using a razor blade. I think it's etched on. I even tried full strength muriatic acid!!! Thanks for the tip though.
  2. L

    Cleaning tough stains from glass

    This sucks!! Thank you all for the advice. I've given up trying to get the stain off and will be setting up the tank as is. It must be chemically etched on.
  3. L

    Cleaning tough stains from glass

    Thank you. I hope so. This stain has been driving me insane the last couple days.
  4. L

    Cleaning tough stains from glass

    How did you apply it? Did you let it soak for a few hours? Scrubbed? I used CLR, which is pretty much the same thing, and scrubbed with a nylon brush.
  5. L

    Cleaning tough stains from glass

    I acquired a 100-gallon tank that has been 1/3 filled with water and sitting there for more than 2 years. The tank was really nasty. I cleaned it out and the only thing left is this white ring around where the water level was. I've tried vinegar (diluted and full strength), oxiclean, bleach...
  6. L

    Newbie lighting

    When I clean the glass tops, there are about 7 ~ 8 spots of salt. At night, it's covered in condensation. The temp is constant at around 82.
  7. L

    Newbie lighting

    I've been contemplating this as well. I have PC lights over glass tops and I have to constantly clean the glass. I'd like to take out the glass but I've heard that the evaporation will mess up my lights since they're only about 1.5 inches from the water surface. Would it be safe to take out...
  8. L

    Florida Field Stone

    Hello all! I was browsing through the different rocks/stones sold at a local landscaping store and there was a type of rock that I thought would look nice in my tank. It's called Florida Field Stone. The owners didn't know where it came from or what it's made-up of so I searched online and...
  9. L

    Mechanical filtration

    Thank you everyone! Maybe I should just attach a filter media to my powerhead.
  10. L

    Mechanical filtration

    I have a 55g (FO) that's been setup for a little over a month. The setup is as follows: - DSB (4.5 in) - DIY skimmer (counter-current) - DIY wet/dry and sump - DIY refugium (chaeto) Inside the wet/dry, I have filter floss on top for mechanical filtration and bio-balls on the bottom for...