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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. C

    Hammer Corals

    I keep several Euphylia (hammers, frogspawns, torches) and I can vouch for their loving frequent water changes. Do a 20% water change and it should perk right up. Were the polyps out at the fishstore before you bought it? They like to eat mysis shrimp and small chunks of Formula One but don't...
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    Eggcrate and lighting

    I have eggcrate over my tank and it does keep the temperature down - it still heats up but will cool down faster after the lights go out. Another benefit is that it increases evaporation, which is good because then you are adding more makeup water with kalk to keep the water level up. This...
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    Best online retailer to order LR from?

    I used liveaquaria and they sent really nice live rock that was well packaged and still fairly fresh. MarineDepot Live also has a similar price for 45 lbs.
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    Lighting for 120 gal

    Thanks for the help. I will go with the 2-250w MH pendants.
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    Lighting for 120 gal

    I am setting up a 120gal reef aquarium that will house LPS corals and a few fish (clowns, tangs, etc). I have several other aquariums (fresh water planted tanks and african cichlid tanks) that use power compacts - so I am familiar with making my own hoods and buying the PCompact kits...
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    clumpy brown stuff

    Aquarium: 50 gal Filtration:Aqua Clear 50 (2 sponges for mechanical) Protein Skimmer: Aqua C Remora Water Movement: 2 Powerheads w rotating deflector (bioflo) Light: 3 96 watt Power Compacts Refuge: CPR hang on the back (with deep sand bed) RO/DI water Instant Ocean drip Kalk Corals: Euphyllia...
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    clumpy brown stuff

    water parameters I am not big on test kits. I have a pH and temp monitors (digital readout). I use RO/DI water and do frequent water changes (10-20 percent a week). I use Kalk in my makeup water, I have the Aqua C Remora hang on Protein skimmer, and a hang on the back mechanical filter. My...
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    Aqua C hang on skimmer - question

    what is the fitting? Would you provide more detail on the fitting? It looks like an elbow with a barbed end. How does it seal to prevent leakage from the collection cup? Thanks, Cliff
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    clumpy brown stuff

    carbon and vacuuming I haven't used carbon very often, so I will give it a try. How did you know that your 3 cups of carbon were exhausted after only 2 days? I have not vacuumed my gravel that much because I seem to suck up too much sand/gravel along with the waste.
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    clumpy brown stuff

    Trying light reduction and phosphate control I am trying the light reduction (off one day and then reduce photoperiod). I also bought the 2 little fish phosban reactor. Some seemed to think that this helped against dinos. I will report back, when I find out what works. Cliff
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    Aqua C hang on skimmer - question

    For my 50 gal, I have the Aqua C hang on Pskimmer with the maxi jet 1200. It works well but occassionaly (like recently) it starts foaming up like crazy and my cup fills up very quickly. The liquid in the collection cup is not all that dirty - only slightly tinted but I would rather not have...
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    clumpy brown stuff

    remedies? Thanks for the link to the thread on dinoflagellates. It definitely is bioluminescent and it is the brown stuff rather than the red kind. From that thread the remedies were 1) bump up pH by dripping Kalk at a higher rate 2) reduce photoperiod after turning off lights for a couple...
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    clumpy brown stuff

    Hi Everyone, I have a small 50 gal reef aquarium with about 6 LPS, a few clowns, a tang, and a dottyback. Everything is going well with the exception of some clumpy brown stuff that forms on top of my gravel. I think that it is cyano bacteria rather than algae because I've seen similar stuff...