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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. E

    allergy maybe aquarium related

    I have been finding a little bit of information on daphnia allergy’s maybe that is the problem? Since I have live daphnia culture but then I also have micro worms and wingless fruit flys so I am unsure what is most likely.
  2. E

    allergy maybe aquarium related

    I am having some kind of allergy to something in my house I wonder if it from the salt we purchased Oceanic rather than the instant ocean we had been using. Anyone ever hear of this? I have both fresh and marine set ups my friend suggested that it could be from some sort of algae. I just know...
  3. E

    Snails and low salinity

    I was wondering how low of salinity snails can handle since all of my snails in our quarantine tank and the babies:( all died I had the salinity lowered to 1.009 for sick fish so how low can the snails handle so I know next time when I need to take them out? Also I wonder about hermit crabs...
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    Quarantine tank

    Hello and again thanks for all the info. It was my understanding that a lower salinity in QT would be less stress to new fish although I did not know anything about how much lower until asking our lfs what to do about the parasite on the fish he told me to lower the salinity which I did slowly...
  5. E

    Quarantine tank

    Well I guess I should have used the forum before now I moved the fish today I slowly acclimated them and they are doing well. Thanks for everyone's opinions
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    Quarantine tank

    In our Quarantine tank we had some fish that had this parasite I was told to lower the salinity to 1.009 that would take care of the parasite if kept in that tank for two weeks after it all dropped off of the fish. Ok so I did all that and I am acclimating the new fish to there new home. Do I...
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    January Meeting

    Thanks I just found the e-mail from the 17th it was in my bulk folder anyway I was wondering about the time 7pm is that right?
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    January Meeting

    Hello I was wondering if the e-mail for the meeting was sent to my junk mail folder and I missed it or am I just anxious. Anyone know whats happening with the meeting this month?
  9. E

    From Death Life but will they live I need help/suggestions

    Someone sent me this link with great info It stated "Cleaner shrimp are hermaphroditic spawners and all members of a mature group produce eggs which are fertilized by another egg producing member within the group." Cool SO I...
  10. E

    From Death Life but will they live I need help/suggestions

    Well the sad news is that maybe all the doubters were right and they are Mysis shrimp or somthing because I just found that both of my shrimp in that tank are carrying eggs so I am not sure if the babies could be theirs When are the eggs fertilized by the male? I figure it must be at this point...
  11. E

    From Death Life but will they live I need help/suggestions

    I am not sure if this works but here is a picture of the plant in the corner were they are living it is a dark area
  12. Shrimp home

    Shrimp home

    This is the plant they are living in
  13. E

    From Death Life but will they live I need help/suggestions

    Thanks everyone I am sure they must be the cleaner shrimp our female is holding some eggs still but we will see. Yes its true they do not have allot of chance surviving in our main tank although we don't have much of any other option at the present time since we have a good pair I can separate...
  14. E

    From Death Life but will they live I need help/suggestions

    1/8" & 1/4" there are two sizes and she is still holding eggs
  15. E

    From Death Life but will they live I need help/suggestions

    Well bad new our copper banded butterfly fish has gone missing our best theory is that he jumped out and our cats ate him since one of the cats got sick today and they were both fighting last night this is what we figure since there is no sign of him anywhere in or out of the water. Then while...
  16. E

    saltwater rotifer start

    I have freshwater rotifer in gal jars no heat or circulation I guess I should get some tanks What is a pod hotel?
  17. E

    Need help with ID on this growth on rock

    well I assume it spreads I think it looks cool I dont know how bad it really is though?
  18. E

    Need help with ID on this growth on rock

    Thanks Yep looks just like that in the 2nd image that you gave in the bubble algae link I figured! but hated to destroy it not knowing for sure what it was Thanks again
  19. E

    Need help with ID on this growth on rock

    Hello I was wondering if anyone could help me in identifying this thing that is growing on a rock in my tank I posted images in my gallery...
  20. Need help with id please

    Need help with id please

    Please I need help with an ID on this please Thanks