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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. D

    lighting proximity question - VHO and MH bulbs

    Thanks for the advice. The canopy is very basic, not a lot of reflectors, but the back is completely open so I am hoping that will be enough to disperse the heat. Hadn't thought about a chiller, hope I won't need one, I am out of space in the stand as it is! Uhg.. but I can already imagine...
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    lighting proximity question - VHO and MH bulbs

    I have 2 250W MH bulbs and I have two VHO bulbs and an icecap 660 so I was going to install the VHO for actinic lighting. the tank is 55 gallon so the canopy isn't that large so the VHO bulbs would sit about 5-6 inches away from the MH bulbs. Could the heat from the MH bulbs break the VHO bulbs?
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    Is there a need for a skimmer if there are no fish?

    well, I am ashamed to say that of all the tests I did the one I just plain forgot was salinity.. fixed that last night and everything looks happier. thanks everyone
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    Is there a need for a skimmer if there are no fish?

    I recently swapped tanks , both 55 gallon , and had a few setbacks when it came to leaks in my pvc plumbing installation :p anyhow, I had set up some temporary tanks, a 10 gallon to hold the fish and some polyps and then a 39 gallon to hold the LR. It took me 1 week to fix the leak issues, and...
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    keep MH or switch to something else?

    I have a 55g glass tank with polyps, an anemone and a few other things. no hard corals. Right now I have 2 250w MH bulbs lighting my tank, but I am switching over to an acrylic tank (same water volume) and I am bit worried regarding the heat of the bulbs melting or warping the top of the acrylic...
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    Tank horror stories

    Haha.. well I have one now.. but that was my first year in Washington state in my 35 years I had never lived in an area where there was no power for more than 12 hours let alone 9 days.
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    Tank horror stories

    My worst horror story was the power loss durign the winter in '06 or '07.. we lost power for 9 days and I could only watch as the tank temp dropped down to 32 water flow, not heater, etc.. it was pretty morbid. nothing survived except the LR and pods.. .. lost 3 tanks in that one week
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    Closed Loop question

    Man if only I had the space.. I have been tending to my 55g glass tank for about 5 years now.. nothing fancy, an anemone, 2 clowns and some polyps. and a closed loop powered by a mag7.. but was getting a bit bored with it so I thought i would get an acrylic tank and try making a drilled closed...
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    Closed Loop question

    Ok, thanks to Reef Frontiers member Roscoe I have a dart pump now.. this thing is scary compared to my mag7.. 2" input ang 1 1/2" output. I keep imagining everything sucked into a vortex.. anyhow, I imagine I should drill 2 2" inputs using 2" PVC and about then 6 3/4" outputs for the closed...
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    Closed Loop question

    O-K.. I think that was pretty much a consensus :D sounds like I better save up for a new pump, something in the 1200 gph range?
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    Closed Loop question

    I have an acrylic 56g tank and am planning to drill it for a closed loop. I currently have a mag7 pump and was considering using 4 3/4" bulkheads with a SQWD in between ( 2 bulkheads on each side) and 1.5" PVC. Would this be way too many bulkheads for a mag7? As I don't have much budget for a...
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    switching tanks

    How about usuing all the sand from the tank vs seeding new sand?
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    switching tanks

    yeah, that's what I was thiking baout today.. how to move the sand.
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    switching tanks

    Thanks guys, I feel MUCH better about doing all this already.
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    switching tanks

    The Anemone is on the glass, don't want to injure it by pulling it off or anything. is it ok to wiggle it off and put it in a bowl and move it over?
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    switching tanks

    I am moving all my fish,LR, etc.. from one 55g tank to another, and was planning on putting everything in a 10g tank while I do the switch Live stock is 2 clownfish, 1 rose tipped anemone, 1 coral beauty, few polyps, LR & sand. I figured I could dump the exceess rock in a tub and put the...
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    everything died, will I go through a cycle?

    Everything , short of a few hardy snails, died in my tank during last month's wind storms. I am slowly building it all back up and water conditions look ok, but I guess my question is since the tank has been all but empty for the last 3 weeks while I cleaned out all the dead stuff, will I see a...
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    tank in garage ok?

    thanks everyone, this was a lot of help.
  19. D

    tank in garage ok?

    hey everyone, I moved up here to Seattle (carnation actually) from Los angeles. anyhow given the temperature difference, would it be a problem to set up a tank in a garage? I was worried it would get too cold (snowed a bit this winter) or will the water heater pretty much take care of those...
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    where to get sand in East King County, Wa?

    Hello everyone, new to the board.. I just moved up to the Seattle area and had to take apart my tank, rebuilding it now, but I can't seem to find a place to get decent (cheap) white(ish) playsand. anyone from the area that can point me in the right direction? -David