10k, 12k or 14k bulbs sps tank

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Apr 11, 2006
Well it's bulb replacement time at my house. I currently have 6 10k 400 watt bulbs on top of my tank. should I replace them with 10k again or try to go more blue. The tank does have a yellow tint to it even with actinic T5's. Whats everyones thoughts on it.
I'll 2nd the Phoenix but I don't think they make a 400w version and they are currently only available in DE.

I used to use the Reeflux and I was not happy with them. I am back using the Phoenix 14k DE and they are much brighter and more blue to my eyes.

If you want more blue try the megachrome bulbs.
both of my sps frag tanks are under coralvue 400watt 14k and I get great color and growth. They give a nice blue color. The 20k's were a little to blue for me and I lost some color on many of my acros.
Sanjay Joshi uses 400 w Geisemann Coral bulbs...


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12508068#post12508068 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Sanjay
The bulbs are sold as Giesmann Coral. The K rating is no where on the box. They do test out close to 14K, and hance are a crisp whitish blue looking unlike the so called 14Ks that have a predominent blue color.

Yes, I am running them with Icecap Electronic ballasts.

The bulbs are now about 17 months old and due for a change.


Checking out his page on lighting and comparing two lamps and ballasts....


The Geisemann Coral bulb has a higher PPFD, (essentially PAR), than an XM10k, when both are compared using a PFO HQI ballast.


Well it's bulb replacement time at my house. I currently have 6 10k 400 watt bulbs on top of my tank. should I replace them with 10k again or try to go more blue. The tank does have a yellow tint to it even with actinic T5's. Whats everyones thoughts on it.

I just changed my metal halides from 10K's to 20K's and I absolutely love the new look of the tank. And the corals love it as well. Now that I have the 20K's, I would never go back to the 10K lights.
Hehe nice Kebber. I went from the 10k reeflux to Radium 20ks and Im so happy.... I realy don't know why anyone would recomend the 10k's hehe. The yellow is sooo harsh.
so i got 28 gallon jbj 150 watt 20k bulb but not really getting the blue i thought i would get what bulb should i get greatly appreciated/ thanx everyone
I just wanted to know a bit more about these spectrums because I keep getting mixed information via web and LFS or not so local fish stores.

20k is more for color and slow growth as you go closer to 6.5k (uglier light) it supposedly has a better growth rate on corals as you go lower in the K's.

Now if this is true ...

Would it not be best to get 6.7k or close to it across the board ..vs 14k which covers the spectrum on the middle ground ..?

Thang (Roscoe you know thang) swears up and down the brighter white he went (Lower K's) the more growth he saw in his SPS... he uses 14ks so he has the spectrum that spurts more growth but has some blue so you have a nicer look in the display.

anywho sorry to semi derail ...just wanted some info on the spectrum thing from first hand experiences with trying the lights for months..from going more blue to brighter whites....

By the way I had 20k hallides and my corals seemed to do bad... soon as I put in a 10k hallide thing are growing and I have not lost a coral yet since the change... I tried several SPS and they all died off.... soon as I put a 10k in and bought more sps... they are doing great!

Though not a isolated study ...just observation of months with 20k vs 10k... I see a big difference in my coral growth and havn't seen one die yet. So with my limited experience with the lights ..I have noticed a difference...just wondered if others can verify my observations to.
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I have heard one expert tell me that he grows coral under lower Kelvin bulbs at first.
The expert then told me he put them under 20K bulbs to brighten them up. I myself loved the 250 watt Hamilton 14k bulb. I had great success or most success with that combination. If I can find something similliar in 400 watt I would be happy.
I just wanted to know a bit more about these spectrums because I keep getting mixed information via web and LFS or not so local fish stores.

20k is more for color and slow growth as you go closer to 6.5k (uglier light) it supposedly has a better growth rate on corals as you go lower in the K's.

Now if this is true ...

Would it not be best to get 6.7k or close to it across the board ..vs 14k which covers the spectrum on the middle ground ..?

Thang (Roscoe you know thang) swears up and down the brighter white he went (Lower K's) the more growth he saw in his SPS... he uses 14ks so he has the spectrum that spurts more growth but has some blue so you have a nicer look in the display.

anywho sorry to semi derail ...just wanted some info on the spectrum thing from first hand experiences with trying the lights for months..from going more blue to brighter whites....

By the way I had 20k hallides and my corals seemed to do bad... soon as I put in a 10k hallide thing are growing and I have not lost a coral yet since the change... I tried several SPS and they all died off.... soon as I put a 10k in and bought more sps... they are doing great!

Though not a isolated study ...just observation of months with 20k vs 10k... I see a big difference in my coral growth and havn't seen one die yet. So with my limited experience with the lights ..I have noticed a difference...just wondered if others can verify my observations to.

I myself like to use the 14k hami, pheonix 14k, reeflux 12k. I prefer these bulbs because to ME it is the perfect balance of white and blue and good par value for MY tank. I have tried many types of bulbs and I have found that these bulbs produce the best color and growth, at least in my tank anyways. IMHO I don't think it is the Kelvin ratings that killed off your SPS. It could've been a number of differnt things going on within your tank to kill the SPS. In my over stocked sumpless w/ a cheap modded Bak Pak skimmer 40b. I am still able to maintain bight colors and great growth. I beleive all in all if you keep up with your maintenace you will have a very healthy and beautiful tank no matter the size. I know some slack off on maintenance and when something goes wrong they blame it on their equipment or lighting when they have absolutley have nothing to do with it in most cases. Most of the time the root of the cause is much deeper than what you think it is.

As for Thang's tank. He has one of the nicest looking tank around here. His tank is just a little over a year old and he has produced some excellent corals in it! Again I beleive it is his attention to details and regular maintenance. Thus it is why he has such a beautiful tank!!!! TOTM one of these days Thang!!!!!! You rock man!!!

Sorry fellas for derailing but you know my bulb choices!
6700 k is very close to natural sunlight, and they are a very yellow bulb so you will not get the WOW factor the higher kelvin bulbs give you.