125+ gallon tanks, Come on in!

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Well-known member
Oct 19, 2005
Palatine, IL
Post pics of your big tanks, i'm talking like 125+. I'm starting a 210 and i wanna see how a lot of you people aquascaped tour tanks. My tanks is going to be a FOWLR for now but i'm confused on how to go about setting it up.

So bring on the pics of your tank and sumps!!

Here's an April pic of my 300. Don't have a real good pic of the sump, sorry.
Wow that looks nice i like how it looks so open. Thats what i want to shoot for. Lots of swimming room because i want to mix a lot oftangs together and i want them all to be able to swim easily through the tank.
well here is pics of my 125 just starting out. I will post some more recent pics later
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Here is a older pic of my tank. I have not taken a full tank shot in a long time. Lots of new growth and new corals since this pic.
Tanks look great everybody. Hey let me ask you guys a quick Q and then we can get back to the pics.

In a 210 how many fish could you put in it? Heres what i'm planning on but its not at all for sure.

1 Powder Blue Tang
1 Clown Tang
1 Sohal Tang
5 Blue Tangs
1 Threadfin Butterfly
1 brownbanded bamboo shark
1 Epaulette shark

Now this is not for sure but you can see where i'm going with this. Oh by the way I'm probably only going with one shark not two. Those are just the two i'm interested in.
I agree...too many tangs even for a 210. The sohal will be extremely aggressive, as will the clown tang. If I had to pick between the two, I'd probably choose the clown tang over the sohal. Read too many stories about sohals in smaller-large tanks. I also would rethink the 5 blue tangs. They'll grow and likely not get along as adults. Also, you have alot of tangs of the same genus. Your fish would be better off/less stressed/less aggression if you choose tangs of different genus.

Charlie - what species of tangs do you have together?
Nikki: What have you heard about sohal tangs? Mine has been great but is def a swimmer (no agression yet).
I agree with the others, too many tangs in that size tank.
Charlie: any ich or other problems with the achilles?
Brenden - in a smaller sized large tank, I have read that they can attack and attack more passive fish. When kept with other aggressive species, I don't believe they are as problematic. Again, this is not my own personal experience, but what I've gathered through reading others' experiences. In bigger large tanks, I think people have better luck with them. Just my 2 cents. :)
Well i looked at my last post and i worded it wrong (except for the school)

Those are some of the tangs i'm interested in. I like the clown a little more than the sohal but i have also read about both tangs being fairly aggressive. I would pobably go with the Clown because they are a little less aggressive but i hear they don't acclimate very well and are hard to get eating? How much truth that holds is a different story but thats just what i've heard.

What about porkfish? i would like to put one of them in for fun. I like the way they look a lot!
Porkfish aren't suitable for a reeftank, as they will consume shrimp, snails, stars, worms, and crabs (unless you were going for a FOWLR?). It is also recommended that they not be kept with more aggressive tankmates.

For your clown tang, if you decide to get one, then make sure you introduce it last to the tank.