Ben, I'm running the reeflux on Ice Cap electronic ballasts. The 10k's are about 10 weeks old with no pink color. Hey get the 12k's burnt in and we can swap a bulb with each other to compare.Hey Scott - how goes it? I asked Jason about that when he was here this morning - in his opinion, he did not notice much of a color change from first purchase to now (8 to 9 months of use). He did say that he ran 20k bulbs before (I think he said xm 20ks) and they were about the same color as these supposed 12ks. Also, I read somewhere (can't remember where b/c have been doing a lot lately) that the 12k reefluxes were supposed to have about the same PAR rating as the 10ks. I don't see how this is possible, but that's what I read somewhere. I'll see if I can dig it up.
Jason told me his SPS growth has never been better. That said, i can't remember if he's ever run 10ks before.
Hey question for you Scott... What type of ballast do you use on yours? Do you notice a pink hue with your 10k reefluxes at all?
I'm glad to hear that growth was good. i'll order up the 12ks, try them out for a while and then if my growth isn't good, or I don't like them, i'll switch to something else. Keep your 10ks for me (don't throw them out even if old) and I may borrow them from you just to get an idea. For now though, I'm just excited for a change and to see those POPPING COLORS of the 12ks.