2007-2008 Season Planning

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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For Tank Tours I think it would take more than 1 day. It doesn't always have to be the best tanks.

For that matter Picture this a tank IMPROVEMENT tour !!

Every tank Visited gets The light meter to test there bulbs intensity versus age and really good test kits to test the water and there new salt water for say organics and Phosphate and Flow speed analized by several people good with watyer flow analysis to come up with a plan to improve there tank as cheaply as possable and they MUST feed there fish the way they normally do so they and others can see what is enoughp or to much for different amounts of fish. We could take a before and after shot of all thiose on the improvement tour by doing it again in 6 months !

What ya think about this ?

Oh yea the most improved gets a coral of there choice ?

No Room Required!! We ask for others to open there house and serve a snack/dish and those who come bring something to drink !

We could raffle off frags?

Free membership to anyone who sighn's up a certain number of new members.
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How about this :

A visit to the local puget sound. To aquire and bring back and learn all about "Starfish" and Anenomes.

Could be done anywhere indoors outdoors(certain times of the year).

Could get the local divers involved or at the seattle aquarium.

I wonder what they would rent there rooms for (probably to much just an idea)?

Asking that people buy shirts mugs or calendars for some of there christmas gifts !
Ok, since I'm confused about guest speakers being filled up, I'd like to shift gears toward raffle donations for club meetings either from local shops and national vendors. Who's worked on this in the past? and what are we looking for or giving back?

I would like to see us work toward an all day event sometime with 2-3 guest speakers.

What funds does the club have to work with? A few years ago I heard $2-3K. Sorry to say, I'm clueless as to the workings of the club.

Bringing in a Guest speaker usually includes air fare, motel lodging, and sometimes a speaker fee, etc. Most Guest Speakers want 250 dollars per talk.
Lets say Dana Ridle for example. He may not charge a fee for lecture. But he is in Hawaii.
So air plane ticket from Hawail, Lodging , Room rental $250 plus, etc. That could be close to 1200-1500 per speaker. Thats a ball park.
a conference from the PSAS is so far out of the question. We do not have the membership or the funds to support such an event! on average each speaker would cost us $500-$600. We only had 63 paid members last year!! We need to plan FREE events for the remaining months such as a tank tour and frag swap.
I do not want any of us asking for raffle donations unless it is for the June BBQ. This is because we have a hard enough time getting donations ONE time a year, let alone a couple....
Where did the clams come from? How does the club fund a year's worth of guest speakers with 20 people joining? When do we start asking for donations for the June event? Who/What events are planned for April & May? Swap Meet/DIY?

There are many reasons people join/come to meetings; Speakers, Sales, Raffles, Discounts and Share the hobby, conservation, propagation. Am I forgetting any? Are we appealing to most of them? Do they know we're here? 400 evites and 20 people joining. Indoor Reef had a poster up promoting PSAS. Where did it come from? And can we get copies(or new ones) asking other stores to join in. Who's been asked and who doesn't want to hear from us? A small monthly raffle is helpful to generate funds during slow membership months and helps keep people coming.
The multi speaker event was tossed out as a thought for next season and is a great way to gain exposure/promote new members/new stores. I've been to a Western Marine Conference in Sacramento last year and one in Vancouver, BC 7-8 years ago. They are awesome and appeal to people all over the West Coast. Something like that is a bit much but possible, maybe on a smaller scale. How did the Mid Columbia event turn out?

I do not want any of us asking for raffle donations unless it is for the June BBQ. This is because we have a hard enough time getting donations ONE time a year, let alone a couple....
WE bought the clams for $175. we get funds from membership, the june BBQ, and stores sponsoring events. April and may are open, I have thrown tons of ideas out for those months. DIY meetings are great but require someone to present and plan them.... Indoor Reef made those signs himself, and promotes the club 400% more than any other LFS!! if you want us to have signs, feel free to make some and distribute. most of the raffles are the stores way of paying their sponsoring fee's for the meeting.

No a multi speaker is not possible for the PSAS to put on!!! One, it takes a stable club with an actual membership base. if we can't even get locals to come to meetings, how are we going to convince out of towners to come????? Two, it takes a years worth of planning and people that are willing to dedicate the WHOLE year to it. We can't even get people to stay on the BOD for a whole year!!
So, why can't we ask say Hellolights or Clams Direct for a donation(or 100 others). Whether we use that donation for June, Xmas, monthly fund raiser, Who's working on this project? I just don't want duplication of work, or multiple requests to the same people. It's been 10 years since I was part of a club board and really don't understand how this is working. I'm either not being creative or too much. I'm not settling in very well here.
we ask a TON of vendors EVERY year, most all of them say the same thing "We just can't donate to everyone that asks us" If you want to head up getting donations, thats great. I believe that Colleen might have a list of people from last year.
Hi Jon,

We have also been "saving" the LFS sponsors for the annual fund raising picnic. If we ask them over and over we tap them out.

As to donations from out of the area, it is a tough one. I cold called about 10 reliable ones of the past, and they say they aren't donating to anyone any longer because there are so many clubs now, they cannot afford to donate to all.

I see the PSAS a long way off to handle an all day event, when the membership is not very active, and we can't hardly get help for five minutes let alone pulling that off.

The Mid_Columbia guys pull it off, but I know the passed was out of pocket for a lot of the costs, the club couldnt fund the entire thing. I don't think any of us are in that situation to do that. :)
Is Jan Feb and march confirmed with those speakers?

Ed, could you be brave and daring and talk to mario to see if it is for sure? We need to discuss location.... it is evrything and will make or break a meeting

We need to fill up the calendar.

Are you volunteering to start to work on donations? It is something that is definately needed. I think I have an excel sheet I was adding new vendors to; the old list was so outdated. Shilo and I spent a day finding all kinds of new places. Most rejected us; but please have at it. I need your email to forward it to you.

We prefer to save all donations for the June picnic.
Take your pick [email protected] or [email protected] - I don't look at the gmail one very often.

I guess my original thought was to have something, maybe a book or gift certificate for every meeting, but if it's just for June, that works too. I just want to be able to let vendors know what they're donating towards. I have excel on this computer...



Are you volunteering to start to work on donations? It is something that is definately needed. I think I have an excel sheet I was adding new vendors to; the old list was so outdated. Shilo and I spent a day finding all kinds of new places. Most rejected us; but please have at it. I need your email to forward it to you.

We prefer to save all donations for the June picnic.
I just fired a letter to Mario about Chris Brightwell. I will email Mitch Carl (excited bout this one too). Two good speakers. Its up to Mario about Chris. I think he should start pumping it now to let people know.