2016 200 gallon reefing restart

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So the tank continues! Still working on getting rid of Bryopsis. Is there a spot treatment? Could I use hot water and squirt the base? This in addition to my Tech-M treatment?

Just picked up some beautiful coral, a purple eyed green chalice about 6" across, and a pagoda about the same size, plus a red plating monti. I will try to post pictures again.
Hydrogen peroxide has been used as a spot treatment. I am not advising it, just noting it, and leaving the responsibility of understanding the risks and benefits on YOU. I am aware of people who have used it successfully, though I have not.
Hydrogen peroxide has been used as a spot treatment. I am not advising it, just noting it, and leaving the responsibility of understanding the risks and benefits on YOU. I am aware of people who have used it successfully, though I have not.

I've used HP as a dip for individual frags, but never as a spot treatment.
I've heard of using HP in tanks as a dosing treatment, but have also heard of problems.
So the turbos' from barrier didn't show up.. They were out of stock, but crystal reef (local) ordered some in and in and 4 days later my 200 gallon reef is clean, no sign of algae, all Briopsis gone. Tech m is still At 1800 but changing sump and will do some water changes.

Now I am working on KH and calcium dosing with two part. Hand dosing but setting up my old brs dosers. Should be there. Also had crystal reef pick up 7 springeri (awesome) and a blonde naso tang. Added the chromis and the marine beta and all is going well. I will add the pistol shrimp and gobies once I find them in the quarantine tank.. :/
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