I still cant post all my pics because some are 19mb. My photobucket is full and I wont pay them monthly. I deleted pictures years ago from photobucket and if you look at the first five pages of this thread you can see what happens if your not careful. I absolutely hate Attachments for pictures and rarely click them to see what the picture is. In order for me to post them as pics here I have to load the attachement, click the link in preview thread and then edit the post for each picture to the info in the upper address bar. A far bigger PITA than opening a flicker account or something.
Also like I said, the last time I posted pictures, only on person responded here. I guess until the format of RF changes again, you wont see too many pics from me here.
Anyhow, my tank is doing awesome.
Over the holidays I added;
Ozone, A big Apex package, Evergrow LED's over the display and one over the frag tank, I changed my T-5s over the refugium in on some LED flood lights from E-bay. and two Jebao WP-40's.