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Nice job. Those are some great pics
I am going to have to break down and get a macro one of these days.
Kirk i see it on the 8th pic on the right side of the coral.

Duane, nice build of ur lights. But if there are no pics of the light rig it did not happen....
How much did it cost? Did you use the LDD drivers? at is your color ratio?

The red bugs are the orange dots on three of the acros. There are about five in the first pic (bonzai), then a few on the top right of the pearlberry and a few on the top left of the blue tenius. My Pink Jade is infested right now. Sooner or later (sooner probably) I'll pick up some interceptor and treat the tank.

Cesar, I'll take some shots of the fixture later this weekend so everyone can see it. Its a 1.5 to 1 blue over white ratio and it cost me near $1500 to build it. I am very happy with it but will be much happier when I can get an apex to control it from my recliner instead of the arduino controller I have now.

Oh, and thanks for the photography compliments. My skills need a bit more refining before I will be satisfied.
Thought Id give an update. No pics though. Things are growing well and I have frags. Lots and lots of frags. I forgot how many intentional and unintentional frags a person gets when they have a large healthy reef tank and suddenly I have more than the LFS needs of the desirable corals and to many of the generic corals that they dont want at all. In some cases I recycle the corals for calcium reactor media and in others I just cant kill them.

Therein lies the problem. The little frag rack in my refugium just isn't big enough to safely handle a variety of corals. The feather calurpa also grows up through the egg crate and attaches to the frag plugs. Lately I've been trying to decide what kind of tank to add to my system without adding too much more volume. I have a few glass tanks around but none fit dimensions that I had in mind (24x24x12) so last night I PM'ed Jason at CFI to see what he could do. Before he could even reply I was driving to work and remembered the old CFI sump sitting in the driveway. It has already been recycled and patched twice and until tonight had three bulkheads in it. It was 21x30x18. I cut 4 1/2 inches off it to make it 12 1/5 tall. It is a 34 gallon tank and I'm looking forward to get it hooked up to the system.

I'll post some update pics of everything when I get it online in the next week or so.
Looking forward to seeing your recycled, recycled, recycled Frag-iestien. LOL
Good thing you didnt run over it, or throw it out.
What have you got for lights just laying around??
For lighting I'll have to just use my DIY 12 bulb with 80 degree optics LED hung high. For now. Its runs at 100% so I should get decent spread but it wont cover the whole frag tank. Eventually I'll put a larger LED fixture over it. I'll also put a bigger T-5 fixture over the refugium to promote faster macro algea growth.
Update pictures

The frag tank is plumbed in and the too small of an LED fixture is hung. Here are some pictures of the whole set up.





Kool fish room trido. Luv the posters.
Thxs for sharing.
I really like the reef slope or crest or watever u call ur aquascape too.
Thanks for the compliments. I never really put a name or style to the aquascaping. It just make viewing for the one end easier. Also, the poster were left over from when I was on the BOD. Does the club still have the six foot banner I made up?
AFAIK it's the only banner. That was my tank back in its glory. I doubt I'll ever have that much in it ever again
Tank looks great.
Your Frag-instien looks better than alot of tanks I have seen as showtanks.
Did you have to build the stand for the FT over top of the running sump?
The stand is where the 100G of refugium used to sit. I added up the total tank gallons and I'm up to 395 now with about 340 of actual water. I guess its better than the 500 I used to have.
I'm real surprised I haven't update this since June of this year.

Well, things have grown like weeds. Ive done some major fragging, and I've recently added quite a bit of new equipment. I also changed from Instant Ocean to IO Reef Crystals. I am not sure is the change in salt or the addition of an Ozone generator is making my corals look better and grow faster but I dont care. I'm not going to change what I'm doing.

Currently, instead of doing a 40 gallon WC every two weeks, I am doing a 12G WC every four days. I cant say it's making a huge difference but its easier for me this way so I'm going to stick with it.

Since November I've added some new equipment to the system.

Two Jabeo WP-40's to the display. Along with the two Tunze 6105's. For massive SPS flow. The Tunze's were already there along with some Koralia's.
I removed four Koralia Evo 1050's from the display and used them in the frag tank and refugium.
I removed the DIY frag tank light and added an Evergrow D2120 LED from Barrier Reef.
I added an Ozone Generator hooked up to the Neptune Aqua controller.
I added a Neptune Apex with a bunch of bells and whistle's for Christmas. If you can afford one, I highly recommend it. They are Awesome!!!
Because I was in a hurry to install the Apex, I burned out a couple strings on my DIY display tank LED's so I removed the DIY and added three Evergrow D2120 LED's from Barrier Reef and supplemented them with a couple DIY LED strings to help even out the lighting from front to back
AND, I added two nice little Maxima clams last month from the Barrier Reef Sale.

Now I'll post some pictures
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