24gal aquapod mod questions

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Jun 2, 2005
I have had this aquapod up and running in my office for a little over a month now and want to make some modifications.

I am going to add a couple more PC bulbs to the hood and also want to cut a spot in the back of the hood for a remora skimmer.

My question is mainly regarding the top and the skimmer. First this is probably basic but how do I get the top off :)?

Next, Has anyone cut into the top and if so do you have any suggestions for me or things to watch out for.

I like the fact that I don't have to worry too much about water top off with this hood but I already wish I went with the HQI set up.
We finally got our AP24 fully running ( complete setup with Sapphire protein skimmer and Pacific Coast Chiller) for past month, and now ready to cut into the top with the PC light modifcation (2x36 watt PC kit from nanotuners.com) and two hoses from the chiller.

Will provide with some pictures when done. I am thinking of using a dremel rotozip bit to knoch out the opening. It's quite thin plastic so a small dremel with a good bit should do the job.

BTW ckeadle, getting the top off is using a coin (quarter) to prior apart the plastic hinge clips that is holding the hood in. It worked well becuase it prevented from breaking the plastic hinge on the tank.
Thanks much... I am trying to figure out exactly where it comes apart... is it at the base of the glass on the outside of the tank or is it hinged inside the tank?

If you move the hood far enough back it will continually come off when you don't want it to... :)

First time I did it I thought oh %$^&. It slides off fairly easy.
Open the top all the way and you'll see the hinge opening between the tank rim and the top. Use a flash light if you have to inspect it closer on the moving hinge. The tank clip portion is where you'll use the coin to pry a little to slide the hood apart.
Thanks much... I found it... has anyone cut the lid and put a remora skimmer on the back? I think I would have to move the hinge in order for it to fit....
OK sapphire skimmer question now... I can't seem to get the water level low enough in the back of the tank for the skimmer to work.
If it's the newer aquapod, they have several plastic panel sections to cover grille grove openings to prevent water from entering the back chamber, this should force the water level to rise up to the top and spill over (by mfg design). I had try the manufacturer's method, but could never get water to spill over becuase it would leak thru the plastic panel sections. My solution was to get a one piece of plastic strip (cut to the length and width) equal to the plastic panel section (which I replace) where by the water flow will be control by the length of the new plastic panel. I recommend going to the hardware store to look for the plastic. Use a razor/utility knife to trim the plastic. I had to cut couple of piece to get the hang of skoring the plastic and breaking it. Hope that helps.
If you plan on adding more PC's to the tank make sure you buy a chiller first. I added a 36 watt to mine right before my ship left home port. My wife just told me she can't get the temp down below 84 :( So buy the chiller before you upgrade the lights.