29g Upgrade Questions

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Well-known member
Oct 19, 2009
Benton City, Washington, United States
I've been running an Eclipse 3 29g with built in bio wheel and T8 lighting. I'm running two 18 watt T8 one 6500 daylight and 420 Actinic. I currently have two fp clowns, one hermit, two snails, two mushroom and a couple of pulsing xenias. My problem is i'm planning on adding some BTA and what i've read on RC that my lighting wouldn't be enough them.

I was looking at Marine Depot for a new lighting and a HOB filter system.

I was hoping some input on using this lighting:

and for the HOB filter:
How long has the tank been up and running? With anemones, they need established aquariums for starters and aren't meant for newly set up tanks so let us know a bit more information on your tank. On a side note as well, be careful with that bio-wheel you are running. They work in the same way as a wet/dry filter would and so you may eventually have issues with excess nitrates as the end product of any wet/dry type filter is nothing but nitrates. In terms of the lighting, I honestly couldn't say...Never had any experience at all with T8's :)
How long has the tank been up and running? With anemones, they need established aquariums for starters and aren't meant for newly set up tanks so let us know a bit more information on your tank. On a side note as well, be careful with that bio-wheel you are running. They work in the same way as a wet/dry filter would and so you may eventually have issues with excess nitrates as the end product of any wet/dry type filter is nothing but nitrates. In terms of the lighting, I honestly couldn't say...Never had any experience at all with T8's :)

The tank has been up for a little over a year. I had a blue damsel but had to remove him to allow for the clowns.

The HOB filter wouldn't replace the bio-wheel??

Right now i'm not dosing anything doing bi-weekly wc about 4 gallons.

SG 1.025
PH 8.2
Alk 1.8
Am 0
Rite 0
Rate 0
Cal 420
Phos 0
No Mag test.
Well techically, your liverock replaces your biowheel. Liverock has the ability to perform all forms of biological filtration in addition to denitrification so a biowheel isn't necessary. Your water parameters look pretty good and to me and a year seems quite sufficient enough for an anemone. I guess you will have to wait for the others to chime in on the lighting. :)
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Thanks Krish,

I want to remove the old T8 lighting and install a new AquaticLife T5 HO Light Fixture that i found on marine depot. Was hoping it would be enough lighting for the bta i'm thinking of getting.
Hi Webos and welcome to Reef Frontiers! I see you've been a member for a lil' over a year, but just recently started posting. Glad to see that!

On to your lighting...

From your link, and clicking on the Images tab, it does appear that the fixture you're looking at does have ICR (Individually Contoured Reflectors), which is good! The key to T5HO success is all about the reflector. Stay away from fixtures that have a flat, parabolic reflector.

I'd imagine it probably comes with low quality bulbs, so you'll want to replace the bulbs, with some quality bulbs, OR go with a different fixture. Here's a couple of recommendations.

Sunlight Supply Tek5 4X24 watt T5HO fixture. Should run you under $300, with quality bulbs.

Sunlight Supply Tek5 Elite DOH, they aren't available in 24" so never mind.

Both of our great LFS, over here in Spokane, are Sunlight Supply distributors, as well as Sponsors, here on RF, so could get that fixture in for you. I believe a couple of the Sponsor LFS, over in the Seattle area are also Sunlight Supply distributors.

Sunlight Supply Tek5s are a proven, quality fixture, with very good Advanced Electronic Ballasts. I'm not familiar with AquaticLife fixtures and while the link you provided does show pictures of the reflector, there's no mention of what type of ballast they use.

However, provided they use a decent ballast, this fixture should be plenty, for a BTA, along with most other corals you'd want to grow. Placement of some SPS would need to be near the top though.

As for your particular anemone of choice, a BTA. They aren't quite as light demanding as some of the other anemones AND they're naturally a rock dwelling creature. This will help, in that living in the rocks, it'll be closer to the light, than an anemone that naturally lives in the sand bed.

Please keep in mind that Entacmaea sp. of anemone are notorious for roaming around tanks. They wander a lot. In their wanderings, they put other livestock at risk, as they sting anything in their paths.

On to your filtration.

As was mentioned, quality live rock, combined with quality flow, with the possible inclusion of a protein skimmer, is all the filtration you need, for a successful reef tank.

The addition of a refugium will also help, tremendously. Instead of a HOB Power Filter, I'd suggest looking into a HOB refugium, such as the CPR Aquafuges, with a deep sand bed. The small or medium size would work out great for you.