2Sunny's 240 Gallon Coral Garden.

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Dec 11, 2005
Just thought I'd share my latest photo's. Hope everyone enjoys them and be sure to stop by my blog and post a comment :cool:




That is a REALLY nice looking tank!!! That first shot is stunning! What are the dimensions on this tank??? :)
Oh and btw, welcome back! :welcome: I see you have been a member since 2005, but just started posting! Glad you decided to share your tank here and hopefully you plan to hang out a bit with us!! :)
Thanks guys!

Thanks for the welcome!

The tank is 48 x 48 x 24. I'm runnin' out for a dinner date now, but I'll try to add some specs later. Thanks again for the kind words.

Happy Reefin',

Joe :yo:
:jaw: beautiful tank....i was going to build a 48x48x24 but decided on a 60x36x24....great job on your tank!!!!
Looks beautiful. Great looking Ritteri anemone as well. How long have you had it?

Hi sunny, i was checking out your website and i got a question

Whats the theory behind the huge sump?
and how do you deal with the condensation/evaporation in the equipment room there?
Looks beautiful. Great looking Ritteri anemone as well. How long have you had it?


Thank-you Nick,

I purchased the anemone in the spring of 2002. It has split 3 times and two of the clones are visible at the Greenwich Aquaria in Greenwich, CT.



Hi sunny, i was checking out your website and i got a question

Whats the theory behind the huge sump?
and how do you deal with the condensation/evaporation in the equipment room there?

Primarily the large sump provides cooling without the use of a chiller and stability, and is there largely because I am fortunate enough to have the space. Otherwise it helps: 1) when disaster strikes the intakes are set such that the maximum loss from the sump is 50 gallons and I'm left with a reservoir of 250 gallons that can instantly be circulated (plus I keep 150 gallons on hand at all times) 2) when I make a big change whether it's a new tank or new aquascaping I have a ready made holding unit for my display life 3) I have space to add an additional 200lbs of live rock that I feel is crucial to keeping my high bio-load. Also, I most definitely had a problem with corrosion in my basement so I had to create a "sump room" and add a vent to the outside of the house.

Question. Have you lost any fish to that?

Sadly, I had a file fish and a six line wrasse jump out so far, but just recently I found some netting at bulkreefsupply.com, and am hoping I can prevent future jumpers, but jumping danger is a definite downside to this setup. For me though, my primary joy in this hobby is growing colorful acroporas so I was willing to lose a fish or two in pursuit of that goal. The tank sits low enough such that I can touch every inch of the interior without the use of a ladder which to me is key in terms of maintenance.

Thanks again guys for the kind words!

I meant to the magnifica, I read that your filefish jumped on you at r2r. I have an OSFF too and I love the little guy. I bet yours is happy with all the sps in there.
I meant to the magnifica, I read that your filefish jumped on you at r2r. I have an OSFF too and I love the little guy. I bet yours is happy with all the sps in there.

Oh silly me :) No, never lost any fish to the anemone. They seem to have a good sense of it's danger. Funny thing though, my buddy, Jason Edward who owns the Greenwich Aquaria was crazy enough to put a lion fish in his reef and it went after the clowns presumably because they looked slow and easy to get, but the anemone killed it and ended up eating the lion fish. That anemone is a clone from my original, but has grown in size to be enormous because Jason feeds his tank like crazy. I have been stung a few times recently and it packs one heck of a punch. When I first got it you could carry it in your hand and not feel a thing.
Yeah, I just got one and it hadn't stung me. I put it in my palm to transfer it. It looks a little bleached though. I've been feeding it every day and it looks like the tentacles are holding on to the food better. Surprisingly super slow eater, but none of my shrimp seem to want to go near it to steal the food so that's good. Beautiful tank. I want to do something similar with my 225, having mostly sps and the nem, but im gonna do two towers with tabling acro and plating montis.
Yeah, I just got one and it hadn't stung me. I put it in my palm to transfer it. It looks a little bleached though. I've been feeding it every day and it looks like the tentacles are holding on to the food better. Surprisingly super slow eater, but none of my shrimp seem to want to go near it to steal the food so that's good. Beautiful tank. I want to do something similar with my 225, having mostly sps and the nem, but im gonna do two towers with tabling acro and plating montis.

When I first got my anemone I it took hours to swallow a frozen mysis cube and then it would spit 1/2 to 2/3 of a semi digested cube back out so it your experience sounds familiar. Be sure to take lots of pics if you redo your tank 'cuz I'm sure we'd all love to see them!




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Looking at this tank just brings out the relaxing feeling in a person. outstanding tank. You can tell everything in this tank is very happy.
Another question, would you turn off the flow at first so it could get a hold of the cube and was the cube thawed out? I use 1 cube in the morning and 1 cube at night to feed my tank, and I usually just give it a squeeze with the turkey baster as I'm feeding the fish. Do you think I should dedicate more food to the nem till it starts looking better? Like I said, it looks fine to me other than being bleached a little, don't mean to jack the thread or anything, but heres some pics of the morning after I put it in. I need to take some more since it's moved down a little.

I made a quick cage so the flow wouldn't blow it everywhere overnight, it wasn't even anywhere close the size of it, and when I woke up the next morning, it filled it up completely, first shots are with lights off, then with the lights on.



