Well-known member
Pics of the finished goods. Need some sand and water and it's smooth sailin. Pics are bogus but you get the idea.
Pics would be much better if there was a real wet look to it!!!!! LOL
Have you done your flow test yet?
When are you going to put some stuff in there? They are much more interesting to look at if there is something swimming in there.
Looking good. When is the wet date?
Very nice!!! Looks good!!eace:
I'm having some issues with micro bubbles in the display, not sure where they are coming from though. Nothing from the skimmer and the chambers don't look like they are producing bubbles. Could this be a break in thing? Like what a new skimmer sometimes does.
Sounds like a new system bubble thing. just let it run for a few weeks and see if you can find where the air pocket is happening. Then you should be able to correct it. Looks good. How do you like your flow thru your filter chambers?
A coat of heat res. black paint on your fuge light reflec. would help it appear to disappear. LOL
Did it cloud up after the water change or was it cloudy before? Could possibly be a small bacterial bloom if it clouded up on it's own, but let us know.
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Thanks...What are you thinking?wow, this looks AMAZING!@ it sparks a whole new thought.... you rock for this 10G.. wheels are moving in my head right now....
Thanks...What are you thinking?
Thanks...I used JB Water Weld, it's a two part putty. It was kind of a PITA, I had to piece them together one at a time and let the stuff cure before I could do the next. Well worth the time though.Rock scaping looks good. How did you attatch the rocks or are they just sitting on top of each other? It will look sweet once all those frags grow in.