3month old NANO; Need ideas for additions!

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Mar 26, 2006
Auburn, Wa.
So far i only have softies: a couple types of mushrooms, 2 types of xenia, branching hammer, and green star polps. Im hopping to get ideas for some corals that wont destroy the tank. i have been eyeing some zoos. Also i only have a small perc for fish. I dont want to add any more than one more fish. I have these snails that look like they have half a clam shell for a shell and they breed like crazy. so i was thinking of a six line but i heard that they may take out the star polyps ontop of the snail babies. for equiptment i have a large red sea protien skimmer for filtration, an aqua clear mini and penguin 550 for powerheads, and a coral life 96watt pc for light. i would apprieciate any advise. every thing has been growing well so far. This is a 10gal nano. Thanks in advance! ;)


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you're doing a good job on the nano :) .
If you like 6 line i think they're ok, mine has never nip at my star polyps so i'm not sure how true is that.
zoos are good and colorful but some of them spread like crazy, but then again you can always frag them ;) .
may be a baby leather hmm devil's hand or a yellow toadstool or colt coral... just some ideas :) .
zoos are always fun, or rics, though rics color really well in actinics, your lights look more 10k to me, but they'll still look cool, or even like a feather dusters are cool too, ordamental shrimp are cool too, sexy anemone shrimp are some of my fav, don't have any yet though just keep looking around
I wouldn't do a 6-line in a 10 gallon. If you really want to add another fish, then maybe do a tiny goby or just another clownfish. 10 gallons is pushing bioload for more than what you have right now (mature size), IMO.

Is this what you are describing as a snail with a half clam shell?


It is a stomatella snail, and are good for the tank. They will only populate to what their food source will allow.

I think some small colonies of zoanthids would be nice additions, or maybe some blastos (if you want another LPS).
hey it looks like that pom pom is doing great!! I think I saw some of the other stuff you pick up a while ago as well. Any way I am glad to see all of it is doing well, and I am sure all of the suggsetions so far will get you started on some new additions, I would just second the thought of getting some attinics alot of the stuff you have now is very colorful under the right light. andy
Three month old 24 Gallon Nano Cube with questions

Everyone in the tank seems happy, But... for the past two days, the clam and snails have not been out much.

Last night I changed the water apx. 5 gal (of the 24 gal tank). I did this to lower the nitrate levels (50ppm as high). I also introduced A bubble anemone. The bubble anemone has retreeted into a cave type area in the rocks, sealing the back entrance with its foot. This move restricts most of the water current. Is this normal... should I be concerned?

Below I have everything about my tank, including the test results before the water change.

I have a 24gal Nano Cube, 30 lbs live rock, and 10 lbs crushed coral base (live).
1 Coral Beauty 1.5" to 2"
1 Bi-Color Blenny 2"
2 Ocellaris Clowns .5" & 1.5"

Clean-up Crew:
1 Skunk Shrimp
1 Fire Shrimp
39 red legged Mexican Hermit Crabs
6 Zebra Hermit Crabs
4 Turbo Snails
1 small Red Footed Conch

1 Feather Duster
1 Waving Hands Coral (growing huge quick)
1 Conclea Clam
1 Bubble Anemone

Tank Conditions:
NO2 Nitrite Level 0.05-0.1 ppm
NO4 Nitrate Level 50 ppm
Alk Alkalinity Level 1.7-2.8 milli equaivalents per liter
NH3/NH4+ Ammonia Level 0.25 ppm
pH 7.8 - 8.0
PO4 0-0.1
Temp 78F-79F Degrees

PhosBan Phosphate Adsorption Media 25g (change once a month)
Carbon bag (change once a month)

Emerald Entre Tropical Food (every other day)
Prime Reef 1/3 Cube (every other day) w/ Cyclop EEZE Freezer Bar (little addition)

Twice a week:
Add 6ML ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System Component NO.1
Add 6ML ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System Component NO.2
Everyone in the tank seems happy, But... for the past two days, the clam and snails have not been out much.

with a nitrate of 50ppm that isnt too suprising that the inverts are beginning to show signs of stress.

I have a 24gal Nano Cube, 30 lbs live rock, and 10 lbs crushed coral base (live).
1 Coral Beauty 1.5" to 2"
1 Bi-Color Blenny 2"
2 Ocellaris Clowns .5" & 1.5"

Clean-up Crew:
1 Skunk Shrimp
1 Fire Shrimp
39 red legged Mexican Hermit Crabs
6 Zebra Hermit Crabs
4 Turbo Snails
1 small Red Footed Conch

1 Feather Duster
1 Waving Hands Coral (growing huge quick)
1 Conclea Clam
1 Bubble Anemone

that is a crap-ton of critters to have in basically a 20g tank and expect it to be stable with such comparatively minor filtration

Tank Conditions:
NO2 Nitrite Level 0.05-0.1 ppm
NO4 Nitrate Level 50 ppm
Alk Alkalinity Level 1.7-2.8 milli equaivalents per liter
NH3/NH4+ Ammonia Level 0.25 ppm
pH 7.8 - 8.0
PO4 0-0.1
Temp 78F-79F Degrees

well, you want your ammonia to be zero, your alkalinity is low, your ph is WAY low! are you buffering your top off water with ph/kh buffer? are you useing purified ro water?

PhosBan Phosphate Adsorption Media 25g (change once a month)
Carbon bag (change once a month)

phosban is a poor phos absorber, try rowaphos, and carbon in such a small system with no skimmer should be changed out every week.
for other medias to help with your nutrient levels, look at "purigen" by sea chem, and "poly filter" by i cant remember who:) both are fairly available at most saltwater stores worth thier beans.

Emerald Entre Tropical Food (every other day)
Prime Reef 1/3 Cube (every other day) w/ Cyclop EEZE Freezer Bar (little addition)

make sure you defrost & rinse your food cubes in ro water before feeding, so your not putting that "food brine" in the tank

Twice a week:
Add 6ML ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System Component NO.1
Add 6ML ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System Component NO.2

thats fine for a nano, but make sure you remember to buff up that top off water!!!
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Looking good bud. Maybe 14 yellow tangs would be a good addition. :badgrin:
Everything looks real great Steven.
I would not put anything else in the tank till you get the trates down to no more then 20. The lighting in the JBJ NC won't support the lighting needs for a BTA nor the clam. Too many crabs. Do not use anything other then R/O water and test your source for phosphate, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. The coral beauty, unless you have a much larger tank doesn't belong in a 24 gallon tank. The other 3 are fine. Start doing small daily water changes, say 72 oz's daily. Swap out the sponges, use only one, clean it out and use another. Take out the ceramic pasta rings and bioballs if they are still in there and sheet-can them ASAP.

Thank you for your insight and suggestions.

I have ordered:
ph/kh buffer - Fritz "pH Lower" Liquid Buffer
ROWAPhos 100ml. Phosphate Removal Media
Seachem Purigen 250ml Superior Chemical Filtration
Blue Polyester Filter Pads

I have been performing a 5 gal water change every three weeks.
The water used for the change is purchased from a local saltwater shop.
It is reverse osmosis water with Oceanic Sea Salt mix.
I have not been buffering the top off water.

Thank you again.
note - I have purchased a 260 gal tank for home. But I wanted to learn about the maintenance of a saltwater tank... so I started small. Later this year or early next year I will begin with the big tank.

Go Cubs!

Thank you for your response.
What type of lighting would help my Bubble Tip Anenome and Clam?
Are there bulbs that would fit my nano?

I will move the Coral Beauty to my big tank ASAP. Although, it will not be till later this year.

I will also move the Coch.

Are there some things I can suppliment for the crabs and the clam?
I have ordered:
ph/kh buffer - Fritz "pH Lower" Liquid Buffer

im sorry, i meant p.h./k.h. buffer to INCREASE the levels, i think "p.h. lower" might be a fresh water buffer, i dont know, i 've never heard of it.
but some of the best buffer to get is made by warner marine, and sea chem. always get the powdered buffer as well.

Blue Polyester Filter Pads

"poly pad" is the actual name brand of the product, it is different than regular polyester blue pads because it will actually absorb nutrients and chemicals out of your tank, an excellent product (and expensive, but worth it)

here are links to the actual products,
good luck!!


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just curious about the quality of the oddysea products, i've heard some good some bad and was just curious what you thought of them, i mean they're quite inexpensive, everything seems to be around half price for lights
i personally think they are on par with coralife, i have ordered them several times for my customers who suffer from sticker shock, and have had no complaints myself as of yet. i think thier bulbs arent the best quality, but who cares, they dont charge you for them:)
I would advice not to get the cheap Odissea fixture, they are very low quality and more than likely you will end up buying a good one once this one fails. You get what you pay for, remember that.
Your tank is probably close to stacking limmits as it is, I would not add any more fish and the anemone and clam do need beter lighting and a well seasoned tank, at least 1 year old.
I am concern with the GPS and the xenias taking over the tank eventually, with the right conditions the seem to reproduce/grow very fast. Be prepare to frag once this happens.
Can you recommend books or web sites that will explain the how-to, dos, and donts to frag my waving hand coral?

Are there any published materials on lighting needs of a BTA, clams, etc?
For the Waving Hand or Xenia all you have to do is select the arm you want to cut and then using sccisors just cut it. It must be just one cutting motion, not back and forth like a saw, it is not dificult at all. You can then use a rubber band to fix it on a rock in needed. Some use a piece od toothpick but this never really worked for me.
I will look for some info on lighting.