400 Gal sunroom reef

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shallowreef said:
i was curious what you were going to do in the winter. It is an amazing tank though. Nice job.

Thanks Shallowreef.

I've got two 250W (right now) EVC 10K's - Luminarc reflectors - probably becoming 400W over the holidays - I want to raise the lights up 6 inches to increase the spread over the tank... they are running now - they'll be running all winter long... up here in PacNW I suspect that means July :)
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The only thing I would suggest would be to maybe add a 3rd reflector with 250 watt and lower them all a tiny bit instead. You'll get your spread, more intensity, and you electric bill is still 50 watt less than 2x400 watt. You do have an extra bulb to replace yearly though. However, even with the cloudy and overcasted months in Seattle, I suspect you could run your lights for 4-5 hr/day and be fine in addition to the sunlight you get. You'd be amazed how much PAR your tank gets throughout in a cloudy day!!
dgasmd said:
The only thing I would suggest would be to maybe add a 3rd reflector with 250 watt and lower them all a tiny bit instead. You'll get your spread, more intensity, and you electric bill is still 50 watt less than 2x400 watt. You do have an extra bulb to replace yearly though. However, even with the cloudy and overcasted months in Seattle, I suspect you could run your lights for 4-5 hr/day and be fine in addition to the sunlight you get. You'd be amazed how much PAR your tank gets throughout in a cloudy day!!

Yeah - I'm with you Alberto, but.....

Actually 2 things - one is heat - I am trying to keep the lights off of the tank - trying not to need a chiller... worst tank got to end of last summer was 79...

other is aesthetics - we've got a beutiful view behind the sunroom - older cedar forest. The two luminarcs occupy alot but acceptable amount of outdoor view real estate - and they'll almost disappear if I ever get around to putting the facade on them. Needless to say, I'm trying to keep the number of reflectors down to a minimum. Besides, someone liked the reflectors when they were a little higher up not blocking her view.... :)
It's been a while with an update...

It's been a while since I've done an update - the tank has been running pretty well. Little tweaks here and there - but that's the fun of it.

I walked out the other morning and saw this lighting in the tank and thought I'd share these shots. The lights are on in both Luminarcs - they are 400W 10K. You can see the obvious difference with the blasting sunlight. The tank is getting sunlight (when it is out of course) around 3 1/2 hours a day right now.

I know someone will ask - I did not have an opportuity to measure the light this day. I'll try and do that another day - but it was obviously brighter :lol:

Denizens are all pretty happy - but then they are working on their tans...

Scooterman said:
WOW 400w MH can't do what the sun does, man that is a big difference.
would there be a noticable difference from sunlight which is about 6700k I believe to 10 k halide's. or would it not matter in brightness?
diablo said:
would there be a noticable difference from sunlight which is about 6700k I believe to 10 k halide's. or would it not matter in brightness?

Diablo, color would certainly be a little yellower - and it might appear a bit brighter to the eye - but it would still not be anywhere near as bright as the sunlight is showing directly (and that is through tinted windows on the sunroom).
Jesse, Where are you located? I have been entertaining this idea for a while and just saw your thread.
Wow what a Great looking Tank, thats awesome, the sun sure does over power the light too..

Yes - it's doing awesome. I'll put together an update and get some tank shots together over the next few days.

Thanks for asking.
the sun is a tricky foe and even better companion im am trying my hand at a sun tank its exposed to the elements a bit more then yours which is far supioer to mine but mine is just a farm so u notice accelerated growth in coral that recive more natural light?

im in australia so the sun power is pretty good but i am worried about it over heating
and if i had the money i would of gotten a glass or acrylic tank but u got to use what u can afford
very nice would like closer pics of your coral under sunlight to
This setup is absolutely amazing! :D I have hopes to replicate this sort of setup in the future. BTW Anthony Calfo would love your tank, he has had MUCH experience with natural sunlight.
really cool set up

I have always liked this Tank. I would love to have a set up like this. Jesse please keep us posted on how it is doing. I hope you are doing great!