4x MH Reflector

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mako shark
Sep 12, 2006
So I was reading the thread on DIY reflectors and was wondering if you guys saw any problems with just getting the sheet reflectors and just mounting 4 SE MH bulbs to the top of the hood? Kinda like [ I I I I ] with the ends built in. (like my drawing? :D ) Then mounting T5's for actinics on the top and bottom of that. I am looking at putting two 400's in the middle and two 250's on the outsides. by the way its a 265gal that I got from Jesse ( DBM REEF) Thanks!

What you're describing is basically a single "parabolic" reflector, over all 4 bulbs. This will work, but won't give you near as much reflectiveness as a "formed" reflector over each bulb. Even the cheap "spider" reflectors, that can be had for about $25.00 (new) each, are going to give you more light, into the tank. Also, are you talking about SE or DE bulbs? If DE, you'll need a glass UV shield, which may be difficult to incorporate, into your design.
Thanks! No, they are just SE...I will just have to go with the spider reflectors then. I have been finding them for about $50 each...Do you know where I can get them for cheaper?
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